Acapella and Audio Federation at California Audio Show 2017

Acapella Audio Arts and Audio Federation at California Audio Show 2017.

The show is coming right up!

This is the ad we are running featuring Acapella. We are also showing with Audio Note [who also has another room at the show].

We will be on the 1st floor in Boardroom V. It is a large room, and we are trying to get some sofas for the room.

We like sofas in our rooms at shows. Why? Because they are more comfortable than the somewhat uncomfortable chairs typical at shows.

Yeah, sometimes it puts your ears and a height that is slightly below optimal – but it allows a person to rest and relax after wandering the show for several hours.

And… This can lead to listening for longer periods of time. We believe we have a competitive advantage in that the longer people listen the more they will hear the difference between the sound in our room [assuming it doesn’t suck, and it usually doesn’t :-)] and that in other rooms.

In any case, it should be fun 🙂


To boldly go where no ears have gone before

“To boldly go where no ears have gone before”. This is what we are running for Audio Federation in the program guide at California Audio Show (CAS 2017).

What do you think?

Of course, this is what most audiophiles do. Kind of the definition of “audiophile”.

But we can then joke about measly old “5 year missions”…

And… “strange new worlds”? You betchya. 🙂 Strange new worlds in my head.

Those good old altered mental states…. positive, or at least distracting, hallucinations. Maybe you call it “positive vibes” or “aural therapy” or “putting the feet up” or “shutting the world out”. This is certainly one of the primary reasons I am doing this Boldly Going with the Ears stuff.

But it is amazing to think about the fact that many of us, those of us who have boldly gone, hear music at a higher fidelity, and with a significantly greater over-all quality, than the musicians who played it ever did… or likely, ever will.

*We* know how their music actually sounds… and they do not. Cuh-razy, huh?

Anyway, hope to see you all in Boardroom V at CAS 2017!