When you absolutely positively need more rack space

[As I was just getting over the CES cold I caught a worse 24 Hour Fitness cold. Now that I can stand up without coughing, it is time to move more things up from downstairs…:-)]

We wanted to put a turntable on this system – ostensibly to test it out. We didn’t want to move any of the components off the main HRS MXR rack there because we have a big demo tomorrow and everything is nicely warmed and settled.

So.. what to do. What to Do.

Inserting the HRS SXR rack in front like this works great. A little unsightly…. perhaps. But we can get to the preamp controls just fine [if we reach], and we do not need access to the DAC and Preamp power supply below on the lower shelves, so… it works!



Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood – about 65 degrees outside here in the Mountains in mid-February.

We have a lot to say about this Audio Note-fronted Emm Labs MTRX amp and Acapella Atlas system – about just what goes into a system sound that one will never forget … but give us a few days…

Vandersteen Audio, Brinkmann Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems: CES 2015

The Vandersteen Audio, Brinkmann Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems room at CES 2015. 16 photos.

The rack is the Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) RXR equipment rack with R3X Isolation Bases as shelves. [Neli told me to get a lot of photos so… :-)]

[This is back on the 29th floor. I had skipped this room until I felt I had time to take a break – and to spend it here].


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