Audio Note Gaku On at CES 2010

We’re taking the Gaku On amplifiers to CES. .

We have a ton of photos. Still will take another ton.

These are not our amps – but suffice it to say I ***WILL*** have these amps for my own, someday. They are just so much better than anything else… except, well, the Lamm ML3 are different. Suffice to to say I ***WILL*** own both someday.

And I usually, eventually, perhaps decades down the road, own everything I want. As do most people, really. It is figuring out what I want that takes for-ev-er. And then figuring out how to focus my efforts so that they are not wasted on silly things like food and vacations 😉

Yes, a ton of photos. A little bit of confusion about where to post the photos. Here… yes, but they are so small. On Spintricity, it will look great, but if we are not careful, everything over there will be Audio Note – they make such a wide range [aka large number] of good looking equipment.

Maybe I’ll post it over on Luxury Review [a stealth zine where I can say what I want – and be the old exuberant me and then some], then convince Mattters to run it on their luxury channels.

Anyway, the quandary will soon end, one way or the other. Post CES we are going to rethink the publications a little bit. Well, first we will rest and sleep a lot. Then we will do a rethink.

Audio Note at CES 2010

This is what we currently plan on showing at CES at the Flamingo (T.H.E. Show).

Several of the items are coming from the factory in the U.K. and are due to arrive in Denver this Wednesday. After they make it through customs we will ship them directly on to Las Vegas.

We are doing two rooms….

Smaller System:

AN/E SPe HE speakers
TT1 turntable
M3 RIAA photo stage
Jinro integrated amp
CD 3.1x player

Larger System:

AN/E SEC Signature speakers
TT3 turntable
S9 phono step-up transformer
M9 Phono preamp
Gaku On amplifiers
CDT Three transport
DAC 5 Signature

Getting our ducks in a row for CES

We are close enough to drive – it is about a 12 hour trip – so we always have this tension between driving with all the equipment to the show, perhaps renting a bigger vehicle or taking fewer things… and shipping it all. Or mixing and matching.

We are taking everything for two rooms – so that adds up, cubic footage-wise – but it is so much safer to use mike & neli shipping incorporated than the alternatives. At least, we hope it is 🙂

You know, in the last few years, places like C|Net and engadget have started covering CES big time. They really overwhelm the internet so it is hard for little guys [like us!] to compete in some ways. Have to figure a way around that 🙂