SOLD. Audio Note CD2.1x II CD player

SOLD . Audio Note CD2.1x II CD player by Audio Note U.K. MSRP $4644, asking $3250 obo. Mint condition. Rarely played, near new.

The CD2.1x is an integrated single chassis front loading CD player with Philips L1210 mechanism, upgraded parts and a 1543 16Bit converter with no
feedback 6111WA output tube. Housed in a full-width chassis, 17”w x 10”d x 4”h.

Have more questions about this? Send us an email (, or give Neli a call: 303.546.6503.

IMG_8421-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-top IMG_8414-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-front IMG_8415-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-front IMG_8416-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-front IMG_8418-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-rear IMG_8419-audio-note-cd2-1x-II-cd-player-rear-closeup

SOLD: Audio Note M-Zero preamp

SOLD.  New old stock Audio Note M-Zero linestage preamplifier, in classic ‘shoe box’ chassis. Asking $500 OBO. Cool little guy, will definitely outperform our asking price. Four inputs plus tape loop, two pair of RCA outputs. No feedback 6111WA dual triode output stage.

Have more questions about this? Send us an email (, or give Neli a call: 303.546.6503.

IMG_8410-audio-note-m0-preamp-back IMG_8407-audio-note-m0-preamp-front IMG_8408-audio-note-m0-preamp-front IMG_8409-audio-note-m0-preamp-rear