Audio Note Soro Phono SE Integrated Amp

Audio Note Soro Phono SE Integrated Amp open chassis photos.

Been awhile since we posted photos of the innards of something. Its guts. Out there for the whole world to see.


Sure is a heckuva lot of ‘stuff’ in this box.

This Soro PhonoSE has been in the storage unit for-ev-er. It is sounding way, way better than it ought to [at its $6500 or so price] downstairs on the little Audio Note AN/E Spe HE speakers.

Its kind of freaking people out 🙂

This integrated amplifier outputs about 18 watts per channel.

IMG_0591-audio-note-soro-phono-se-open-chassis IMG_0592-audio-note-soro-phono-se-open-chassis IMG_0593-audio-note-soro-phono-se-open-chassis IMG_0595-audio-note-soro-phone-se-integrated-bottom IMG_0598-audio-note-soro-phono-se-integrated-amp-open-chassis

audio note soro phono se integrated amp rear

Audio Note AN/E SPe HE speakers in poplar burl

Finally got the Audio Note AN/E SPe HE speakers setup…

A little changing of the guard in our second listening room. The $9288 per pair Audio Note AN/E SPe HE speakers taking over music duties for awhile from the around $73K AN/E SEC Signature speakers.

Sounds great! So immediate and musical…

We have always liked these high-efficiency hemp-driver ‘little E’ speakers, as Neli calls them. Nice finish on these, and this burl in matte finish has no up-charge associated with it [so she tells me].


Audio Note AN/E SPe HE speakers on Audio Note gear

The setup at the window end of the room. Can’t show you the other side, it is a complete mess of gear and cables all over the place [but it looks better than it did yesterday. Ugh.]


This room is being overrun with Audio Note gear … [ 🙂 ]

Houston, the … EMM Labs MTRX amps… have landed

The EMM Labs MTRX amps have arrived. Now we just got to position them, plug them in, hook them up, and…

Seriously, there is something ‘other worldy’ about really large amplifiers and science fiction movies flash before my eyes….

Encounters of the 30th Kind…

Return of the Death Star

OK… I’m sure we’ll think of more ways to communicate what an impression just the presence of the MTRX amps makes on things here.

Neli? Mostly she just keeps sayin’ “Just LOOK at those !@#$% things! Wow!”

