HRS M3X2 platform cutaway

An awesome diagram of all the pieces and parts of an Harmonic Resolution Systems M3X2 Isolation Base. These platforms are used many places in a HRS-based setup: as amplifier stands, as shelves in equipment racks, as turntable bases.

Audio Note M9 RIAA Signature Phono Stage

Going through old directories finding tons of photos that never made it to the blog. Here is just a couple of them.

The M9 RIAA is a two box phono stage from Audio Note U.K. which is by far the best phone stage we have heard with respect to revealing [aka letting through. aka not stepping all over] the parts of the music that make music sound like music. What more could one ask for? [a serious question. Can’t think of anything!]

This now lives in Fred Crowder‘s system [M9 RIAA reviewed at DAGOGO].


Giving some lovin’ to our Audio Note SOOTTO power cords….

Audio Note has a long history of making power cords. We haven’t always been fans but the statement SOOTTO power cables ($11k-ish for 1.5 meters) and the affordable ISIS power cables ($450-ish for 1.5 meters) have made our ears very, very happy.

[don’t know about you, but if I can at least make my ears happy, it helps me to solider on to the next sucky tomorrow]

The SOOTTO is comparable to other cables in this price range (e.g. Nordost Odin 1) but is less aggressive and more emotional. Extreme detail but not etched detail like some other cables, which lets through the subtle variations in harmonics and dynamics that are needed to understand and appreciate what is the fantastical adventure happening in each note of each song we want to listen to.

The Audio Note ISIS power cord is an all-around performer in the vein of the SOOTTO [and is just slightly smaller in diameter] and we use them freely when we do not have enough SOOTTO on hand to power a system out. Sounds better than power cords at 5-times the price and we have [and sell!] a LOT of these.