California Audio Show – Video Walkthru in 24×96 (+ Photos)

These videos here are of a whirlwind tour (in two parts, for a total of 50 minutes or so). I missed the Voxative and Unisinger rooms on this tour – unfortunately – but got both in dedicated videos later.

I posted photos of each room over on What’s best Forum “Photo and Video Highlights of the California Audio Show 2019

A number of rooms have people talking… loudly… including some exhibitors(!). This will be more evident when I am able to put up the dedicated room-by-room videos I recorded later.

In general it was a well-attended show with happy attendees who seemed to think there was relatively good sound here at this show. ;-/



California Audio Show 2019

We went. We exhibited. We photographed and videod.

Never saw so many people amazed and confused by an 18 watt amplifier driving these speakers to more than fill up the room with gorgeous music – more as in Neli and Hermann and RGA like it loud enough to chase me out….. again [I went up to Nick and Lee’s for some sane volume listening 🙂 Luckily, Peter Qvortrup wasn’t in control of their volume, yet, otherwise I’d have to hightail it somewhere else yet again 🙂 [though he plays fun music…. not to say RGA doesn’t … 😉 … but seriously, I am so bored right now with the music Neli and Hermann (and I) play at shows … we HAVE to do something]] .

Showed the Acapella Campanile 2 again this year, but driven by Audio Note Kegon 300B amplifiers, and we used the EMM Labs DV2 DAC with volume control for D to A duties this year.

And… now we have a boatload of gear here that we need to assemble back into some kind of semblance of what passes for normality.

More soon….

California Audio Show 2019 – Boardroom Five

We will be in Boardroom V again this year at the California Audio Show in Oakland.

A little bit of a change up from last year:

Speakers: Acapella Audio Arts Campanile 2

Amplifiers: Audio Note Kegon (18 watt 300B SET amplifiers)

Music Server: Acapella Audio One

Transport: Audio Note CDT-Five

DAC: EMM Labs DV2 (with proprietary digital domain volume control)

Preamp: Audio Note M9 Phono

Equipment Rack: Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) SXR 3×2 side-by-side rack with M3X2 isolation bases and Nimbus and Vortex footers

Cables: A mix of Audio Note and Acapella

Hope to see you all there!