DAC Reviews: Audio Note and EMM Labs from Dagogo and SoundStageUltra

Couple o’ great reviews out there on the good parts of the Internet…

Constantine Soo at Dagogo posted a nice review of the Audio Note Fifth Element/Fifth Force DAC. At some point we will post some extra photos from that review as well.

Aron Garrecht at Sound Stage Ultra posed a nice review of the EMM Labs DV2 DAC-Preamplifier. Although our associated gear here is almost the polar opposite of Aron’s we have more or less the same opinion of the sonic signature of the DV2 [how cool is that?!].

[As I post here and elsewhere and read posts from everywhere – I am so often amazed at how people can write such large amounts of content – and similarly how people have the patience to read it. Rarely can I do either].

The DV2 has as it’s forte the ability to render music with subtleties and musicality that no other solid-state DAC approaches [weird, huh? most seem to focus on sonic fireworks and extensive feature-sets] but is a little less dynamic than some [careful vibration control helps].

The Fifth Element + Fifth Force doesn’t sound like a ‘DAC’ at all – can take on mid-price [$30K-50K, say] turntables and is comparable enough [but different! but in a OKAY way] that the only reason to play vinyl anymore is the ‘nostalgic experience’ of it – and makes one take a good hard look at the ‘slacker components’ in the rest of the system and wonder… .

In other words: It is the F*** You DAC.

Stay safe and stay healthy, everyone!

Not ready to open – but readier

It is unclear how much of the regulations are Santa Clara county and how much are Californian. But these signs are what we needed to have displayed – to remind us and our store visitors what every rational [insert any of a thousand L.A. jokes here – except now not so funny] person already knows about keeping safe and healthy.

In the meantime, Audio Federation is doing well. Mike and Neli are doing well. The rest of the world… the rest of the world needs to crank up the tunes and remember what these short years we are alive are all about.

We have been playing lately with using 3 different DACs for streaming audio using Roon: Audio Note’s DAC Five Signature and Audio Note’s 2-block Fifth Element DAC and Fifth Force power supply and EMM Lab’s DV2 DAC/Pre. A write-up will be forthcoming…

Stay safe. Stay healthy!


Capital Audiofest 2020 cancelled

Capital Audiofest 2020 cancelled. No show until next year (no surprise here. But here is the announcement)

Capital Audiofest Cancels 2020 and Confirms 2021 Show Dates
 July 5, 2020, Rockville MD
To all friends of The Capital Audiofest:
We apologize for our silence but are happy to announce that the Capital Audiofest (CAF) has finalized an agreement with the Hilton Hotel that allows us to move the show from 2020 to 2021 without any issues. We feel it is better to wait a year in order to provide everyone with the same CAF qualities inclusive of protections and safeguards rather than cobble together a lesser show.
We greatly appreciate everyone being patient in this difficult time and want you and your families to be safe and able to return to CAF in 2021. The official dates are now November 5-7, 2021, and want all vendors to know that their rooms are there for you to return to. Please let us know your intent so we can hold your place. See you all in 2021.
Gary Gill, Capital Audiofest, LLC Founder and Director
About Capital Audiofest (CAF)
Capital Audiofest is the East Coast’s largest and longest running consumer high-end audio show and the only show in the Mid-Atlantic region. Started in 2010 by Gary Gill, CAF presents a wide range of music reproduction products for the enthusiast, from start-up and cutting edge technologies to cost-no-object aspirational gear, and everything in between. Capital Audiofest offers a fun and congenial weekend for the whole family, including live music, seminars and presentations and tastings from local distilleries.
Capital Audiofest 2021
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852, United States