LA Audio Show 2017 – Show Reports

Our LA Audio Show 2017 – Show Reports will be spread across 3 locations.


We will be attempting to post live photos on Cheers – LA Audio Show Report during the show.

We will be also posting the best webpages and videos about the show there that we find out on the Internet. In fact, any registered user of Cheers can post photos, videos, and webpages as well [sorry, pages from Stereophile and its sister mags do not work, just like they do not work with StumbleUpon and many other sites]. Just click on the ‘+’ in the message bar, at the bottom [you might have to click your avatar ‘body’]. Our hope is to create the ultimate collection of wild and amazing stuff that happens at the show.

I’ll try and show up periodically to play host, but sometimes things have a way of getting busier than expected… 😉





We will try this again over on Audio Federation’s Instagram Page

We did this several years ago, [this same show in 2014] but there weren’t any audiophiles there yet. Not sure they are any there now, either, to speak of, but instead of posting 450+ photos from the show in 3 days, I will try and post a few choice turntable photos every day. Perhaps this will appeal more to Instagrammers than a full show photo storm.


Here on The Blog

And of course here on the blog.

Not sure I’m up for a posting an entire encyclopedic overview of the entire show that we usually do 🙂 – but I’ll post something here. Any requests?

And if you are attending – come see us! Room 534 – Acapella Audio Arts, Audio Note and Neli, and sometimes me, too, from Audio Federation 🙂



The problem with Noobs on the Internet

The problem with Noobs on the Internet and why we have so many unhappy audiophiles [Ha! Thought I was going to talk about Noobs and politics didn’t you 🙂 Or reviewers. Or colleagues at work. Or your kids. Or… yep, this is pretty universal human behavior].

I guess there should be a follow up with how mass populations believe everything they hear in a new  technological medium when it is new, but slowly get ‘inoculated’ against all the same-old dirty tricks and misinformation and become immune there, just like they are in the old mediums. I mean, who believes TV commercials anymore, or You Have Won $1000000! letters in the mail [where is Ed McMahon when you need him 🙂 Maybe that is him at the door right now!!! Got to go!].

[Nope. Wasn’t him].

Maybe, just maybe, those new amps didn’t blow ANYONE away – maybe someone just wants to get your attention because they are lonely. Or they just want to think ‘made you look’.

What a world 🙂

Found the chart above in a course on Machine Learning. Neli and I are at the part of the graph where we think we know about 50% of what there is to know. 🙂 [Hey, it is a VERY new science. Not much to it ;-)]

