Odyssey Audio – Axpona 2018

Starting on floor 4…

Too much talking and too little listening – none in fact; blame it on too little sleep – but Klaus typically puts together systems under $10K that compete with that much more expensive gear often seen at your local neighborhood high-end dealerships.

VPI Turntables were everywhere


Day Three – Whirlwind tour floors 5 and 2

The last day…


Odyssey Audio

Gobel speakers on CH Precision

Luxman turntable

SOtM electronics on Magico S1 MkII speakers

Rainbow Audio

Burwell & Sons speaker

Parts Express [love this display 🙂 Don’t know why…! ]

Metronome Kalista CD transport

Portable XLO cable display

Legacy Audio AMT ribbon tweeter

Von Schweikert speakers on VAC electronics [awesome scale and filled the big room with sound]

Raidho speakers playing Rage Against the Machine “Know Your Enemy” at 100dB. No distortion, even off axis like this.

The expo. Is it just me or…?

Our room with The Acapella Audio Arts Cellini High speakers. The full show report will be forthcoming.