Show Starts in a Few Hours

Make that an hour and 15 minutes. Still have to go down and get our baaaAAAAaaadges.

We hear that ths s the first year that this show is headquartered in the Le Centre Sheraton here in Montreal. It was in the 40s last night, though breezy, as we huffed it to China Town for an… OK… dinner – next time we hopeflly won’t be so hungry that we go into almost the first place we find.

On our walk back we got to wade through a number of hockey fans leaving last night’s game. Maybe Canadians are just more polite than us Yanks, or maybe the $250+ price tags for tickets leaves no money for the consumption of alchohol, or maybe they won the game, but everybody seemed in a very nice mood.

They put us on floor 8, where quite a lot of the exhibits are. Cool! During the night we could hear first one system start up and then another. Seems like once a system is up and functioning, they want to ‘blow out the exhast pipes’ so to speak, and see what the SPL boundries are. [Our room at RMAF is so large, I think the SPLs to ‘blow out the exhaust pipes’ of our system there are way above the SPL limits the Denver Mariot hotel sets. But hey, this is the big city, real estate, and large rooms, is expensive here!]

Which gets me to the next point, these rooms are pretty small. If they are anything like our hotel room, most of them will be about 12 feet by 15 feet plus the entry way. The walls are pretty thick, though, as none kept us up all night with their rock and/or roll… 🙂

Next stop…Montreal

If all goes as planned we should be heading up North early tomorrow.

We will upload pictures daily, again if all goes as planned – can never tell about these things – lined off of the Montreal 20006, oops, getting ahead of ourselves here, Montreal FSI Festival Son & Image 2006 show report.

This will be our first time at FSI, in Montreal and in Canada. It is supposed to be up in the 30s during the day, temperature wise, but I hope we can get out of the hotel anyway :-}. We like to check out the city, circumnavigating a mile or two around the show hotels a good bit. In NYC we got to Times Square, Central Park, and the Upper East side.

During the show I will be trying to get to every room (hopefully twice as I want to use two different lenses) taking pictures. The show only lasts three days – so …wish me luck. On the final day, Sunday, we will be listening closely.

While I am taking pictures, Neli will be chatting up, and getting chatted up by, show goers and exhbitors alike, finding out what is new and wonderful in the land of Hi-Fi Audio, Northern-style.

After we get back, we should be putting up the full report after a few days of sleepless nights.

The ‘dailies’ will be in the standard resolution format, usually 1000 pixels wide.

As for the final report’s layout and format, we have plans to automatically make a low-bandwidth version for people still on dial-up, a standard bandwidth version (like the CES 2006 show report but better organized, not day by day this time) and an ultra-high(! whoo hoo!) resolution version.

Next Stop, Montreal

We are all set to attend the Montreal Show this year.

Enjoy The did a pretty good job covering this show last year, but we’ll throw our two cents in anyway and do our usual show all and tell all report.

We hear it is in a new venue this year. Hope it doesn’t suck.

fsi logo

I know, that is a fine attitude to have…

One is supposed to be excited, hoping to hear and see mar-vel-ous things….

Well, I think Neli is excited enough for both of us. 😉

Besides, I got a new lens and flash for my camera – which is now weighing in around 4 lbs. This is striking some trepidation into this intrepid show reporter, I can tell you.

Well, if nothing else, this show is going to be great for my biceps….:-)