The very existence of these speakers implies that some people find the ordinary everyday speaker ugly, an unacceptable eyesore in the home. There are other speakers like this, glass speakers, colorful eyeball speakers, or, of course, in-wall speakers…
Me, I think ordinary speakers are cool, like large, glass front bookcases or big cherry armoires – which are also probably out of fashion.
But as we all know, fashion goes through cycles…
I sure am anxious to see this one end 🙂
I can really envision young people liking these Davone speakers, like the guys on the Friends TV series [instead of their Martin Logans]. And the Davone speakers do seem to be winning lots of awards.
Davone Ray loudspeaker
Davone Ray loudspeaker rear
Davone Ray loudspeaker from above
Davone Grande loudspeaker
Davone Grande loudspeaker
Davone Grande loudspeaker from the rear
Davone Mojo loudspeaker
Davone Mojo loudspeaker
Davone Rithm loudspeaker
Davone Rithm loudspeaker rear
This room driven by Bel Canto electronics and XLO cables