Yes, it is that time of year when, instead of dreaming of dancing sugar plums, manufacturers, dealers and motivated audiophiles dream of vast numbers of exotically populated (with audio equipment, …you guys…) Las Vegas hotel rooms.
First, we have to learn to type 2007 and not 2006.
We are, of course, planning on going ourselves. Take a few photos, listen to some tunes.
Will probably still use the first track on Radiohead’s Amnesiac as my test track.
For one, it is seemingly hard for most systems to get the dynamics and imaging right, not to mention some subtle shades of electronics in the midrange.
For another, it is not classical, jazz, close-mic’d female vocals, or pop rock – and so it freaks a lot of people out [but they are so easy to freak out, so not much of an accomplishment]
The ‘main’ ‘official’ part of the show is in the Venetian this year – but I think it is no longer where we will focus our energies – as more and more people migrate to T.H.E. Show.
And, well, there you have it. Any ideas or suggestions about what you would like to see in the show report? Anybody? Or do you want to be surprised? 🙂