Spintricity is two weeks old.
I posted about the new magazine on several forums.
Asylum deleted it in about 5 minutes [why would anybody there be interested in a magazine on audio I do not know – and it is not like 6moons, American Wired and Positive Feedback built their magazine circulations up by posting there].
It is now, for $20, in their News forum. Not a bad price – but a TOTALLY different audience compared to the general forum.
Posted it on AudioReview’s News forum. Deleted in two days after 9 people read the post. Oooookay.
Posted it on EchoLoft’s main forum [Singapore] and Audio Circle’s News forum. Both were still there last I looked with no responses but a 100s of people have looked at the post.
Posted it on Canuck Audio Market [Canada] and I get a couple of nice and a couple of obnoxious posts before it devolves into a lots of people complimenting some guy on his soft porn avatar.
I haven’t even tried posting something like this on Audiogon for several years. In the past it has not gone very well.
So, one thing we would like to avoid at Spintricity is deleting posts about audio so that people can get on with the business of doing serious chatting. At a higher level this means that people promoting their products – when they are AUDIO products – makes a lot of sense on a audio forum. How else are they going to let people know about their product? These forums are the people who are supposed to be interested in products like this.
Sure, we could charge for the ability to post promotions … does Audio Circle charge the manufacture’s for their manufacturer forum? You know, the ModWright, etc forums. But that seems… not right.
We would rather charge for people running ads that encourage ever more people to buy their equipment, not for the ability/net real-estate to talk to [possibly prospective] owners of their equipment and fans.
Does this make sense?
[I certainly don’t know. That’s why I am asking :-)]