An audiophile remodeling in-progress

As we continue to become settled in our happy high-end audio dramatic comedy of a life here – we are making a few changes and additions. We put up background curtains in front of the mirrored fireplace, and added more padding under the carpets, to reduce the liveliness of the room a little bit and improve overall aesthetics [if not livability, that is the only working full-length mirror in the house! :-)].


The before


The After

We also setup a 3×3 Harmonic Resolution VXR rack [which we videoed, step-by-step. Should be up on YouTube in a few weeks] but when we got to where it was time for us to start putting back the platforms (shelves) on the rack, we realized that we were going have to take it all apart to take down the Acapella Campanile 2 speakers and take them to the California Audio Show in a few days – so maybe we should take the rack back apart again, now, and wait until after the show to install it in its prime position (the rack is about 650 lbs. We weren’t able to just move it out of the way… Neli may be strong enough [seriously]… but I have a few more hours to put in at the gym.)

All I can say is…Damn but we are getting good at putting up and tearing down VXR equipment racks :-/


3×3 HRS VXR rack with silver posts

I wanted an all silver rack. Neli wanted an all black rack. We think this black rack with silver posts should look pretty awesome too. Whew! Another messy divorce avoided here in the Bay Area.

HRS M3X2 platform cutaway

An awesome diagram of all the pieces and parts of an Harmonic Resolution Systems M3X2 Isolation Base. These platforms are used many places in a HRS-based setup: as amplifier stands, as shelves in equipment racks, as turntable bases.

Audio Federation – CAS 2018

We are going to pepper you with photos from the show for awhile here. Oh, and photos from our digs here as well.

Uh, hope you all like pepper!

[the show report is progressing apace – expect it to still be a week out or so]

Acapella Campanile 2 loudspeakers

Audio Note, HRS and Acapella

This is the path we had to use get to the light switches – between the right speaker and the LaMusika poster 🙂