The Harmonic Resolution Systems VXR equipment rack – Uncrating

In this video we uncrate the middle section of HRS’s statement triple-wide VXR audio equipment rack and wheel it into the listening room.

Several more videos about this process are forthcoming.

Have to say I am getting attached to the look of this modern rack next to the modern-looking speakers [especially the Porsche Agate gray on wide cabinets] in this mid-century modern home.

It was also nice that there a definite sonic improvement over even HRS’s previous state-of-the-art MXR equipment rack – most notably in the control and articulation of the bass and midrange 🙂


A few photos including the triple-wide Harmonic Resolution Systems VXR

Finally managed away some of the clutter here and got the main system photographable.

I am finding the empty VXR rack in this unusual silver post, black shelf configuration strikingly elegant. [It isn’t so bad with gear on the shelves, either! :-)]

Sharp eyes will notice that we have shims under some of the feet and bigger shims underneath each speaker… the house here is SINKING into the San Francisco bay [about two inches so far, with 13 feet more to go].

We’ll have a number of videos about uncrating and setting up the HRS VXR shortly on our YouTube channel.

California Audio Show 2019 – Boardroom Five

We will be in Boardroom V again this year at the California Audio Show in Oakland.

A little bit of a change up from last year:

Speakers: Acapella Audio Arts Campanile 2

Amplifiers: Audio Note Kegon (18 watt 300B SET amplifiers)

Music Server: Acapella Audio One

Transport: Audio Note CDT-Five

DAC: EMM Labs DV2 (with proprietary digital domain volume control)

Preamp: Audio Note M9 Phono

Equipment Rack: Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) SXR 3×2 side-by-side rack with M3X2 isolation bases and Nimbus and Vortex footers

Cables: A mix of Audio Note and Acapella

Hope to see you all there!