Audio Note and Audio Federation at CAS 2018

The sliver faceplates of the Audio Note components against the black of the equipment racks was an awesome thing to see – as well as hear šŸ™‚

[forgive me. new camera. new to lightroom]

The AN components were the two box DAC: The Fifth Element and Fifth Force, the two box M9 Phono preamplifier and the CDT-Five transport.

*happy ears*


Audio Federation – CAS 2018

We are going to pepper you with photos from the show for awhile here. Oh, and photos from our digs here as well.

Uh, hope you all like pepper!

[the show report is progressing apace – expect it to still be a week out or so]

Acapella Campanile 2 loudspeakers

Audio Note, HRS and Acapella

This is the path we had to use get to the light switches – between the right speaker and the LaMusika poster šŸ™‚