Munich High-End Show: other reports today

Munich High-End Show: other reports today (so far)

The featured photo is the new Van Den Hul ‘The Point One’ turntable from TwoGoodEars’s blog.

Mike  Fremer also has a post up about Turntables at the Munich High-End show already.

TwoGoodEars also has a lot of snaps of the People at Munich High-End

For example:

Mr. Cheng of Silbatone, the extreme high-end of the extreme high-end

TwoGoodEars has several other backstage posts about Munich, so get on over there 🙂


VinylSavior is posting about their room at Munich:

More later…



Report from Munich, High-End Audio 2015 Part II

Report from Munich, High-End Audio 2015 Part II – by a young German audiophile

[photo from Stereophile – Munich High End Beckons]

“Recap thus far (written under the influence of German beer):

 Lessons learned:
1. FM Acoustics sounds horrid
2. Dave Cope is a nice guy who knows his stuff
3. Audio Note hires Croatians that know how to turn digital sausage Into  music
4. FM acoustic sounds horrid
5. Mario from Audio Note is going to DJ at my wedding
6. Audio Note’s new DAC uses parts from the Apollo Rocket and turns music into digital sausage (and vice versa)
7. I love this stuff!”


[The FM Acoustics room at Munich High-End 2015 (it *is* a show folks, and the rooms at the main part of the Munich show have issues…)]

Report from Munich, High-End Audio 2015

Report from Munich, High-End Audio 2015 – by a young German audiophile
“On my way to Munich this morning. I’ll be visiting the smaller side show, HiFi Deluxe, at Munich’s Marriott Hotel first. Acapella and Audio Note will be exhibiting there. I heard that Acapella will be using an Audio Note digital front end. They will also be showing a new, smaller speaker model of theirs. The big show will be a bit crazy – too many people and too much to see with too little time on my hands. I am planning on cherry picking this time around: Tidal’s new diamond midwoofer-equipped Akira, and Living Voice’s Vox Olympian horns are on top of my list, …   I will try to take at least a few pics to share with you.
Still happily running in my new AN-Es. After living with plasma tweeters for so long (my first and last speaker both had them), I am surprised that I don’t miss them at all – on the contrary! I was getting a bit weary of the ozone smell. I don’t think the newer version (including the Acapellas) have this problem, but with mine it was quite noticeable. Knowing that the Audio Notes don’t get lost in large rooms, I am surprised how well they play in my rather smallish living room. I have them about half a meter out from the corners on each side and about 8cm from the back wall with more than usual toe-in. Works well that way.
Still trying to find a turntable. Audio Note TT2 deluxe or Bauer Audio dps3 are my top contenders – the Brinkmann being too expensive.
I’ll have to see. In either case, I am going to start with an audio note Arm 3 and an IQ 3 before moving up to an MC with a SUT when funds allow. I am really exited to get into analogue! “