LAMM L2.1 Reference preamplifier available in mid-October’2016

[Wow. An upgrade of the venerable L2 preamp (been with us for… 15 years? A long time anyway). The press release follows.]


[This is a photo of the previous model, the 2-box L2 Reference]


We are happy to announce that a modified version of our long-running L2 Reference preamp — the L2.1 Reference – will be commercially available in October’2016.


The L2.1 Reference employs a pure class A operation from input to output, with no overall feedback at any stage; all stages, including high current output buffers, are single-ended. Also featured are specially selected high voltage super linear MOS-FETs in the signal path and TKD stepped potentiometers for volume control – the best available on today’s market.


The preamplifier’s audibly neutral power supply features a choke contained filter, a full-wave vacuum tube rectifier and vacuum tube voltage regulator which allow to virtually eliminate the hum and buzz and, ultimately, to ensure the authenticity of the essence of sound throughout the entire dynamic range without any coloration.  Other features include 3 inputs; one tape/home theater processor loop; output signal phase switch; balanced and single-ended outputs; protection circuitry designed to enable manual muting of the output signal; and built-in remote on/off for Lamm power amplifiers.


The main distinction of the L2.1 Reference from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its almost inaudible sonic signature.  When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, especially LAMM power amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc. without boundaries and limitations.


  In a nutshell, the L2.1 Reference includes the following upgrades and modifications as compared to the L2 Reference:

  • increased immunity to unwanted radio frequency interferences propagated via both radiation and conduction over signal lines & AC power systems
  • certain modifications in protection and time delay circuitries
  • improved signal/noise ratio
  • replacement of a number of critical components with newly available types of better quality [in particular, replacement of electrolytic capacitors in the tube voltage regulation section with newly developed high density polypropylene capacitors of comparable size and value(!)]
  • utilization of a technologically new type of pc-boards of superior quality, with gold-plated traces and thru-holes.


Each preamplifier is carefully crafted with the finest materials and top quality parts like military-grade DALE/VISHAY metal-film resistors, RCD wire-wound resistors, TKD 41-step volume control potentiometers of the highest quality available on today’s market, BOURNS multi-turn potentiometers, VISHAY electrolytic capacitors, ELECTROCUBE, EPCOS and RIFA/KEMET film capacitors; HAMMOND chokes, god-plated NEUTRIC connectors, and military-grade low-noise long-life vacuum tubes.


The L2.1 Reference features a custom-designed super-low noise power transformer.


The U.S. retail is $22,790.

Long Article on Acapella Audio Arts

There is a new long article on Acapella Audio Arts by a European correspondent for Positive Feedback.


The article includes many yummy photos of the factory and the factory showroom – as well as other fun and mysterious factoids about the speakers and their other gear.

I chose to display this photo from the article because it shows the big Poseidon speakers, which we waaaaant, and how impressive they look. Not sure that is the color of horn that we would choose… but maybe. I would probably go for a mirror finish if Acapella actually supported that option and Neli didn’t give me that look that simultaneously says I’m an idiot while at the same time saying that she feels sorry for me with such poor taste in speaker horn finishes :-/