Emm Labs XDS 1 SE Single-box SACD/CD Player

The Emm Labs XDS 1 player arrived today. We will be showing it at RMAF 2009.

We only have some photos for everybody at the current time. Before we can talk about what it sound like we have to hook it up. We will hook it up as soon as husband and wife decide which system to put it in [actually, it is -which system will serve as the Show System Prototype area].

Hopefully husband and wife decide before Oct. 2 (the day of the show) πŸ˜‰

Anyway, here are some photos of the player and its remote control. Larger photos, many of the same ones in fact, will appear in Spintricity tomorrow if all goes as planned.

Fresh from Canada.

Double boxed.

Nice heavy closed-cell foam

The box usually contains more goodies when the player is not a β€˜show player’

The player, safely nestled.

The player rests on more foam.

A nice stretch cloth bag protects the player

Neli takes the bag off.

Player on the kitchen counter

Player on the kitchen counter

Rear of XDS 1 player. Your basic stuff. If you want USB you need to get the Emm Labs DAC 2.

The icons for the buttons have changed slightly since the TSD1 / DAC2.

The XDS 1 remote appears to be the same as that which comes with the TSD1 transport / DAC 2 DAC.

Hope you enjoyed. We’ll talk about the sound in a few days.

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2009

So, the Rocky Moun’tane Audio Festivities are soon to begin – well a couple of weeks seems like β€˜soon’ to me.

We will be in our usual two rooms: 9030 and 9026. One big and one small [medium size seems just not the d’rigor for show hotels].


Tentatively we will be showing, in the large room:

* Audio Note AN/E SEC Signature speakers (we’ve shown with these before, but not in the big room!)

* Andio Note Gaku On amplifiers (Audio Note’s top of the line 211-based monoblocks)

* Audio Note M9 Phono preamplifier

* Audio Note TT3 Reference turntable

* Audio Note digital: DAC 4.1x Balanced and CDT-3 transport


* EMM Labs XDS 1 reference-level single box SACD/CD player (product debut: about $25K)

* Nordost ODIN cable (everything ODIN but our 10 meter Valhalla and the Audio Note Sogon hard-wired to the speakers)

… and …

* HRS MXR and SXR equipment racks and M3 isolation bases


And in the small room:

Audio Note β€˜Zero’-based system:

* I Zero integrated amplifier
* R Zero phono section
* CDT-Zero CD transport
* DAC 0.1x with USB input

… and …

* TT2 turntable with IQ3 MM cartridge
* AN/E SPe HE loudspeakers

… and…

* Rix Rax β€˜Robbs Report’ equipment rack


We’ll have photos of the XDS 1 and Gaku Ons before the show – both here and in Spintricity.

Hope to see you all there!