CEDS 2012 – T.H.E. Show, The Home Entertainment Show, The Flamingo Las Vegas – Floor plans/maps

This is the 4th floor, the long hallway. Not sure why it is called ‘towers 3 and 4’. Always confuses the few brain cells I have dedicated to these kinds of things.

Several new companies here, it looks like.

This is the 4th floor, the short hallway. Mostly same ole well-known companies, although I had not heard of Scientific Fidelity before.

The 1st floor on the side of the Flamingo farthest from the strip, or basement, if you prefer, as it is kind of under the casino floor .

These are larger rooms, for the most part, and new this year would be Acapella setting up their own room and WAVAC showing with Lotus Group and their Granada Feastrex-driver speakers. Audio Power Labs might be fun too – I want to hear them with some kick ass speakers and source.

CES 2012 High-end Audio, High Performance Audio, Venetian Tower floor plans/maps

Floor 29, Venetian Towers. Don’t see any surprises here…

Floor 30, Venetian Towers. Looks like Piega has a room this year – have not seen them since the 2004? Stereophile New York show.

Floor 31, Venetian Towers. Only 1/3 of this floor is occupied this year – and it looks to be all meeting rooms and not likely to have any music playing. My feet are so happy! [but the rest of me is deeply disturbed]

Floors 34 and 35, Venetian Towers. Hansen, MBL and YG Acoustics have all moved to these separate, quiet, and some what exclusive [and not as trafficked] floors this year. YG Acoustics used to be way, WAY down on floor 2 across from the Sands conference center.

CES 2012: TigApp's Audio Audit

[Another news flash from the CES 2012 news deluge. I’m not an Apple guy anymore – but perhaps one of you might find this, currently free, app of use. It seems to me that if your only source in your system is an iThing, then this app would be invaluable. Also, if the iThing’s microphone is any good, then having a frequency analyzer with you at all times would be a heck of a lot of fun – especially at shows. English does not appear to be their native language, and I am somewhat confused by what their target use cases[s] are beyond possibly these two].

“TigApp is a young and dynamic company which develops applications for the iPhone, iPad and iPod.

This application is focused on testing different audio systems for home and professional use.

The application serves as a reference generator of sounds or records for the purpose of setting up, testing and burn-in speakers, headphones and Audio components.

This application comes to the AppStore December 23, 2011 and will be free for a limited time.”

From the TigApp website:

Frequency generator

generates sinusoidal frequency or swap sinusoidal signal for testing

Noise generator

generates white, pink, brown, human and silence noise

white noise – noise containing all frequencies in the range defined by the same volume
pink noise – containing all the audio frequencies with a defined volume falls off at 3dB per octave
brown noise – containing all the audio frequencies with a defined volume falls off at 6dB per octave
human noise – containing all the audio frequency range with a defined volume adjusted according to physiological properties of the human ear
silence noise – white noise with reduced volume
Adjusting of the stereo base

when right speaker is on the right side and left speaker is on the left side – it’s OK

Indication of inverted phase

control of the inverted phase (swap of the plus and minus cable on one speaker)

Records for testing

music with the full spectrum frequency range for testing


for ambient testing

Detail information

“Analogue” indicators:

Peak indicator – red color (-75dB – 0dB)
RMS indicator – black color (-75dB – 0dB)
Peak and RMS indicators for the left and the right channel

Frequency generator

Sinusoidal signal of frequency (1/3 octave scale, Peak -12dB, RMS -15dB):
20Hz, 25 Hz, 31Hz, 40Hz, 50Hz, 63Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, 125Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz, 250Hz, 315Hz, 400Hz, 500Hz, 630Hz, 800Hz, 1000Hz, 1250Hz, 1600Hz, 2000Hz, 2500Hz, 3150Hz, 4000Hz, 5000Hz, 6300Hz, 8000Hz, 10000Hz, 12500Hz, 16000Hz, 20000Hz

Swap sinusoidal signal: 20Hz – 20000Hz (logarithmic course, Peak -12dB, RMS -15dB)
Swap sinusoidal signal: 20Hz – 630 Hz (logarithmic course, Peak -12dB, RMS -15dB)
Swap sinusoidal signal: 630Hz – 20000Hz (logarithmic course, Peak -12dB, RMS -15dB)

Noise generator

White Noise: Peak -10dB, RMS -15dB, frequency range 20Hz – 20000Hz)
Pink Noise: Peak -2dB, RMS -15dB, frequency range 20Hz – 20000Hz)
Brown Noise: Peak -2dB, RMS -15dB, frequency range 20Hz – 20000Hz)
Human Noise: Peak -2dB, RMS -15dB, frequency range 20Hz – 20000Hz)
Silence Noise: Peak -55dB, RMS -96dB, frequency range 20Hz – 20000Hz)

Adjustment stereo base

Bass Drums L: left side (Peak -2dB, RMS -15dB)
Bass Drums R: right side (Peak -2dB, RMS -15dB)
Bass Drums L-R-L: transition from left to right side and back (duration 30s, Peak -2dB, RMS -19dB)
Treble Drums L: left side (Peak -1dB, RMS -16dB)
Treble Drums R: right side (Peak -1dB, RMS -16dB)
Treble Drums L-R-L: transition from left to right side and back (duration 30s, Peak -1dB, RMS -21dB)

Indication of inverted phase

Guitar-normal: phase in order (Peak -0.3dB, RMS -14dB)
Guitar-Invert: right channel inverted (Peak -0.3dB, RMS -14dB)
Cool-normal: phase in order(Peak -0.3dB, RMS -13dB)
Cool-invert: pitch channel inverted (Peak -0.3dB, RMS -13dB)

Test records

Classic: duration 30s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -15dB
Cool: duration 36s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -13dB
Guitar: duration 36s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -14dB
Jazz: duration 36s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -15dB
News: duration 38s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -15dB
Road: duration 50s, Peak -0.3dB, RMS -16dB

Precise graphics indicators for the both channels (from -22dB to 0dB, step by 1dB)