The miniDSP 2×4 ADC / DAC
The configuration screen being used to configure the miniDSP 8×8 ADC / DAC device
What miniDSP, the company, does.
The miniDSP 2×4 ADC / DAC
The configuration screen being used to configure the miniDSP 8×8 ADC / DAC device
What miniDSP, the company, does.
The second Peachtree audio room featured Martin Logan speakers [and another system on the side using B&W speakers, but people were crowded in front of it].
ZenSati makes cables. Have to do better photographing cables in the cable rooms.
Bully Sound Company’s BSC 100 amplifier
Bully Sound Company’s BSC 100 amplifier
Bully Sound Company’s BSC 100 amplifier
Bully Sound Company’s BSC 100 amplifier from above
The TAD Reference One loudspeaker