This room featured Estelon XA Diamond speakers driven by Concert Fidelity electronics.
Neli and I both stopped here, each at different times, and as chance would have it, each time the record that was playing ended shortly thereafter. Should have asked to hear something else – but so tired…
A closer view of the Estelon XA Diamond speakers and Concert Fidelity gear
The Estelon XA Diamond loudspeaker
The Estelon XA Diamond loudspeakers from the rear [kind of]
The Estelon XA Diamond loudspeaker from the rear
The Estelon XA Diamond loudspeaker from the rear – binding posts and stuffed port
Denon turntable
Denon turntable
Denon turntable’s tonearm
The Concert Fidelity ZL-120V2SE amplifier
The Concert Fidelity SPA-4C phono stage
The Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX2 linestage preamplifeir
The Concert Fidelity DAC-040
Fono Acustica Power cords and Power distributor
Fono Acustica interconnects
Fono Acustica ‘Sinfo’ power distributor