Many people are now home with their stereo and music 24×7 and many of us in the older demographic may be in this situation for many months – at least until effective masks are available or, better, a vaccine.
So, yep, lots of music. And perchance a desire to upgrade. The Acapella factory is open (largely family operated) in well-run Germany, and Audio Note U.K. is open to a limited degree (a large factory with lots of space).
If you absolutely positively can’t wait, we do have a bit of stock on-hand. We have no more desire to go without scratching the audiophile itch during this time any more than you all – so we understand these ‘audiophile emergencies’.
We’ve done local (Bay Area) curbside delivery with lots of social distance and hand washing – it works – it’s as safe as we can possibly make it.
Stay safe. Stay well.
Happiest of Holidays, Everyone!
OK. Back to audio already…
Added 5 new magazines to the Audiophile’s Guide to the Galaxy. Have to say I enjoyed archimago’s musings quite a bit, though you will find me somewhat terse in comparison