As we mentioned last time, we decided to move the Audio Aero Prestige CD/SACD Player downstairs and put it on the Sound Lab U1 system in place of the Audio Aero Capitole.

The Prestige in the equipment rack
The equipment rack with the Prestige on the bottom shelf (hey, at least this one is a front-loader) topped by the Brinkmann Balance and Walker Proscenium Gold turntables. We run the turntables through the linestage built into the Prestige (and previously the Audio Aero Capitole).

The Prestige in the equipment rack
A closeup of the Prestige with HRS damping plate on top.

The Prestige in the equipment rack
Underneath the Prestige, with HRS triple-tall Nimbus feet – notive the black diamond racing cones are still attached.

The Prestige remote control
The new solid metal, heavy weight, remote control for the Prestige.

The Prestige remote control
A close up of the remote control.

The Prestige  remote control
A close up of the remote control logo.

Next… sonics. Hint, its a across the board improvement compared to the Capitole, and this from an avowed Capitole lover, me.


With the caveat that the Meitner is 50% more expensive than the Prestige, we will try to provide some illumination on our impressions of the differences and similarities of these two CD/SACD players… both with built-in linestages.

The Prestige is still not quite broken in but it does have about 600 hours on it – and the Meitner CDSD tranport has an upgrade which we have not had here yet. But I think we can say something about their relative sonic attributes.

In comparison with the Meitner the Prestige has about the same soundstaging and imaging capabilities, though perhaps a little higher noise floor and a little less detail – as one might expect from a tube output stage – lending to a little bit of fog between the musicians in the sound field.

In some sense the Prestige is more enjoyable to listen to, presenting the music with an enthusiastic and optimistic attitude, with a slight exaggeration of various tonalities lending it an ‘analog warmth’. This seems to me to be much more so than the Capitole, which had an ‘analog-like’, somewhat accentuated, macro dynamic attack but not so much of the wonderful micro-dynamic attack and inner warmth of the Prestige… at least that’s what I am hearing, anyway.

The way I think of it is that the Prestige sounds like the way music sounds after a half (YMMV) glass of wine. The Meitner sounds like the music does when stone-cold sober.

The Meitner sounds real, like it really sounded like in the studio. It is a wayback machine with frequently astonishing capabilities – like having the awesome privilege of having a special ticket to attend, in person, the recording sessions of your favorite music.

And for those who have not heard the Meitner and hear something completely different than what I hear when listening to live sound, whether in a studio or elsewhere – this is not the overly etched, harsh, in-your-face dante-reality of the accuracy-must-mean-extreme-exaggeration-of-treble-attack-and-decay-so-it-sounds-like-delta-function-hell situation here. This is the ‘you are there, believe it or not, this is what the musicians cum studio engineer actually sounded like’ show.

The Prestige sounds like music, like the way music is supposed to sound. Enjoyable, a smile and toe-tapping required (in this toe-tapper sense I felt it was better than the Meitner – but we have yet to try the HRS Nimbus trick on the DCC2, so stay tuned), beautiful with all the detail and coherency and clarity that our minds want, along with all the juice that our hearts want.

So, really, it is up to each of us to choose our poison, or, actually, to choose our preferred elixir.

Next: The Audio Aero Prestige vrs the Audio Aero Capitole.

Party on, Garth!


Before we get to the comparisons…

We put the Prestige up on the HRS Nimbus ”feet’ which helped dial in the Prestige as it was sitting on the HRS M3 Isolation Base.

Audio Aero Prestige up on Nibuses
Here is the Prestige up with the 3 black diamond racing cones that come with the Prestige as their standard feet lying in front of the Prestige.

Audio Aero Prestige up on Nibuses
More pictures of the Prestige and the HRS Nimbuses, which in this picture were put under the place where the Black Diamond Racing cones usually go, abd you can see that the screws that stick out and screw into the cones are now sticking into the Nimbuses.

We changed this in the current configuration to put the Nimbuses in a configuration so that they would not get stuck… But we haven’t done a sonic comparison to determine any differences besides the aesthetic.

Audio Aero Prestige up on Nibuses

Audio Aero Prestige up on Nibuses

Audio Note Kegons also up on Nibuses
The Audio Note Kegons are also up on Nimbuses…

Audio Areo Prestige panel left side
Just an FYI, here are the controls on the left side control panel of the Prestige

Audio Areo Prestige panel right side
And on the right side…

Sonically, this improved the clarity, lowered the noise floor tremendously, and made the Prestige competitive with the Meitner, albeit with an entirely different sonic flavor. More on the comparison next, and as we moved the Prestige downstairs in preperation for the weekend’s (and Monday’s (today)) guests, replacing the Audio Aero Capitole with the Prestige in the SoundLab U1 / EDGE system, we can now also report at some length on the differences we hear between the Capitole and the Prestige.