Tidal Hate, roon and chosen.fm, CanJam SoCal wrapups – Audiophiledom April 2, 2015

Tidal Hate, roon and chosen.fm, CanJam SoCal wrapups

The Press hates TiDaL Streaming Music. They really do. Or they hate Jay-Z. I don’t get it [and no, it is not the press hating rich people – they LOVE rich people. Who do you think buys ads?]

Long detailed list of Hate Press in Computer Audiophile and a summary at AudioStream.

Some of it is people having problem with a subscription service. Mr Lavorgna comments that freemium is dead, but in fact it is growing rampantly, it is just not working out so well for the musicians and journalists yet. When one game can make $200M to $1B+ off of freemium, it is not dead. It is that the music services still suck, they just don’t know it yet.

Maybe Roon or Chosen.fm will fix this:



It appears that the core Sooloos team now sees the Online Streaming Cloud services light and is doing something about it at RoonLabs




And Chosen.fm is also trying to get it done right, where right means both music lovers and musicians both win.


Inner Fidelity and AudioHead both had blurbs on the CanJam show in South California that was.


Kind of slow news for a few days… must be that Spring! is finally rearing it wonderful head…. 🙂

That’s hi-fi for now folks. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.


EMM Labs: MTRX Amplifier – The Sound of Quiet

EMM Labs: MTRX Amplifier – The Sound of Quiet

We started doing this by accident. Not sure I remember how we starting doing this, in actual fact. But once we did it was fun to do, and to demonstrate to people, because it produced such an amazing effect.

What did we do? With these 750 watt per channel solid-state monsters … I mean amplifiers?

We turned the volume down.

Way down.

So low that people could have a conversation using their ‘quiet voice’.

Well, maybe not quite that quiet. [Not when Neli was around, anyway, given her life-long love affair with that volume control :-). What’s a husband to  do? *sigh* :-)].

So, what was the effect? This amazing effect?

The  effect was that the music was still perfectly legible. It was just quieter.



Soundstaging, imaging, separation, timbre, decay, rhythm… the same as when the volume was turned up.

The background noise was THAT quiet.

The ability to control the speakers in the tiniest ways, which we have been posting about many times before when the volume was quite loud, apparently has as a consequence this other, unworldly, strange, Twilight Zone-like unique capability at very low volumes.

This makes the music really accessible at low volumes.

Typically, on other amps, music at low volume is missing a lot of information. So, for these ‘other’ amps,  much of the signal for most of these quiet subtle  notes is so close to zero that the notes start to fade into the amps background noise. Anthropomorphically, these amps are trying to figure out “Is it noise? Or is it a musical note?”

Bass, for example, with the  MTRX, is still there. It starts. It stops.

It even has slam…  it is just miniaturized. Those little bass notes are just a tiny little ‘Pump’, but it is still tightly rendered, with accurate start, stop, and decay.

Reminds me of those model train sets some people build, where everything looks like a real town, just smaller [Well. YMMV :-)].

The MTRX amps are so different from what has passed as ‘solid state amps’ for 50+ years.

We need a new category.

Maybe we could call these ‘Good Amps’. Or the others ‘Performance-challenged Amps’.  😛

Anyway, the point here is that it is really important that an amp be able to control the small details of your music playback when the volume is turned down low, because then most of what you are hearing is small details.



Audio Note Level 5 system under review at AVShowRooms

Audio Note Level 5 system under review at AVShowRooms – the high-end audio video guys.

AvShowRooms is reviewing the Audio Note U.K. level 5 system consisting of Gaku-On amplifiers, M10 Signature linestage, CDT-5 transport and Fifth Element DAC and Fifth Force power supply, and AN-E SEC Signature speakers.


Pictures from the AVShowRooms Google Plus page:



Audio Note Level 5 pic 2


The illustrious Dave Cope from ANUK, as seen here and as many of you have met in the Audio Note room at shows here in the U.S., helped with setup.

Still have a few weeks to wait for the review, which will no doubt be posted on YouTube, so we can [kinda] hear what Peter Breuninger and Terry Eringi at AVShowRooms are hearing. 🙂