A few photos from the Lamm, Kharma, EMT room. Took photos of floors 30 and 35 yesterday before my camera batteries died. Hope to finish today…
This is one of the more spectacular rooms this show so far…
More descriptions later. Neli is telling me to ‘get a move on’ … so we get to the show before it closes
Kharma brought their Grand Exquisite Midi speakers for this room
Rear of the Kharma Grand Exquisite Midi loudspeakers
One pair of Lamm ML3 amplifiers drove these speakers effortlessly in this very large room
Kharma tweeters on the Grand Exquisite Midi loudspeakers
An old restored EMT 927F turntable
The new Lamm LL1.1 Signature preamplifier open chassis photos