Optimizations Ongaku

Things have been a little in flux here… which gave us a chance to listen closely to the Ongaku in several different configurations – primarily:

1. On the Rix Rax Outpost amp stand with a $2 OEM black power cord

2. On the Rix Rax with a $1600 Elrod Signature 3 power cord

3. On HRS Nibuses on an HRS M3 Isolation Base on the Rix Rax Outpost amp stand with the Elrod PCs…

And the winner is… 🙂

I wanted to try out #1 because that is what some of the diehard AN experts suggest sounds best, and we will try this again in a system cabled with just AN cables and with AN components, but….

Adding the Elrod PC:

a. Removed some of the compression. In some of the guitar notes on Sailing to Philidelphia, really simple notes by the way, with the OEM PC they sounded hardened near the top of the note envelope, like the note just ran into a wall – splat. With the Elrod there was a smooth rollover as the note went from getting louder to getting softer.

b. The Elrod revealed more harmonic content

c. The Elrod removed an ‘scratchy agreessive edge’ that the sound had had. As expected. A lot of people associate this edge with ‘immediacy’ (quickness, speed, etc.). If they don’t here it they may think something is missing. It is unfortunate that it is often the case that to get immediacy one has to accept this edge. In this case it did not seem to me to be the case, however, as I listened carefully for just this sort of tradeoff.

Interestingly, some people will sacrifice everything to get a little more immediacy, real or IMAGINED(!) (like AvantGarde owners :-)) and some will sacrifice everything to get rid of the ‘edge’ (like PS Audio, MIT, and SRA owners…. etc. etc.). The latter group significantly out-numbers the former, in my experience.

d. Finally, the Elrod brought EMOTION to the party. The music became engaging,. Enough so that it was much more difficult to listen to the sound because the music kept distracting me.

Presumably this was because some of the nuances were being lost with the cheapo power cord – or perhaps the ears were shutting down / shuttoing out nucance to protect themsleves from the ‘edge’ and ‘comrpession’ artificats.

When we added the HRS under the amp… first, what a tower, looks very Chinese ….

a. the first thing was very much improved bass response. Everything tightned up – but it was mostly the bass that now had a degree of slam that was quite … impressive.

b. the next thing I noticed was that HRS has a ‘sound’. Not sure what this sound is, but with 9 HRS bases here, and after trying them under everything (usually not in soup-to-nuts HRS setups though, but we are gaining more experience here as well), there is a quality to the sound that is recognizable. This is a sound that is hard to do better than – but it is becoming hard for me to analyze anymore – the old noggin just shuts down…. I could convince myself that this was less, the same, or more emotionally satisfying than the previous setup.

Perhaps over time it will be easier to settle this – and one should spend some time evaluating system mods like this – especially if one is subject to emotional swings on a minute by minute basis [aka doing system setups with one’s spouse :-)].

Harmonic Resolution Systems at CES

[This is the official poop. The previous post will be redirected here. Still think the burgundy metallic is going to be the “cat’s meow” … after the gloss black, anyway 🙂 ]

CES 2007 and THE SHOW – Jan. 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th

Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) will have static and
active exhibits on display again at CES 2007 in Las
Vegas. Please stop by and see our new and existing
products on display and in use by industry leading
companies. Representatives from HRS will be available
for technical and sales consultation.

Our rooms at CES and THE SHOW are as identified below.
We will have the new production SXR frame in the
Asthetix, Shindo, and the HRS static rooms. This new
audio stand frame was designed to be a very high
performance frame designed specifically for use with
our reference level M3 Isolation Bases. The SXR is a
sister model to our reference level MXR frame. The SXR
has a similar engineering approach as the MXR but was
design to be very cost effective for use in low profile
systems. The SXR like the MXR will also be available
is single and doublewide versions. The SXR is also
available in amp stand configuration (1 shelf), which
will be featured in the Asthetix and Vendersteen Rooms.

We will also have a bird’s eye maple version of our MXR
on display in our static room. This is a custom MXR
finish that a few lucky customers have enjoyed over the
past year but we have never displayed this finish at a
show so please stop by and see this unit in person.
The birds eye maple MXR will also include the new
billet machined aluminum cable organizer system
designed for the MXR series frames. This MXR option
was design to allow organization and controlled routing
of signal cables and in particular have the ability to
support the weight of network box cables like that
produced by MIT. Other features at CES this year will
be a new burgundy metallic finished MXR in the BAT room
and a gloss black MXR in Vandersteen room. Rockport
Technologies is using a MXR-1921-3V (shorter 3 shelf
version of MXR) in our mahogany finish over at THE

Harmonic Resolution Systems Inc. – Static Display
Venetian Tower 29-201

Active rooms using Harmonic Resolution products are:

Rockport Technologies – T.H.E. Show
St. Tropez All-Suite Hotel – Room 1104
455 E. Harmon Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 369-5400

Asthetix – Venetian Tower 29-221

Balanced Audio Technologies – SandVenetian Bassano 2704

Shindo and DeVore Fidelity Ltd. – Venetian Tower 29-327

Vandersteen Audio – Venetian Tower 29-203