CD/SACD Player Shootout: EMM Labs XDS1 versus Esoteric K-01

In this corner, weighing in at about 200 lbs [well, that is what it FEELS like – leaning over to get this on a rack is no feat for the timid. Neli was able to do it, but not without a few remarks :-)], but really at 68.4 lbs, the Esoteric K-01. And in the other corner, at 37.5 lbs, the EMM Labs XDS1.

We have been dealers for EMM Labs for about 7 years, if I remember correctly. We would like to be dealers for Esoteric someday, when we expand our operations, [in the not too terribly distant future we are fervently hoping!].

That said, the shootout did not reveal any serious surprises that a skeptical reading through the current voluminous content on the web does not already point out.

The system was for this shootout was:

Hansen Prince speakers
Lamm ML2.1 amps
ARC Ref 5 preamp
Nordost Odin speaker and interconnect
Elrod Statement Silver power cords on pre and amps
Bybee power distributor
Harmonic Resolution Systems SXR equipment rack, M3x platforms and Nimbus
Jorma Design Prime (single-ended) interconnect on the CD players
First Synergistic Hologram D then Nordost Odin power cords on the CD players

A photo of the Esoteric K-01 remote

A photo of the Esoteric K-01 remote

A photo of the EMM Labs XDS1 remote (we forgot to bring it to the shootout [it’s always something], so this is a photo from this morning)

Here are Neli and P. configuring the Esoteric K-01 to generate output on the single-ended outputs. We also tried both the 4X oversampling and DSD filters [I thought the DSD filter was more digital sounding, Neli and P. thought it had more resolution and liked it better]. Previous tests had shown little difference in performance between balanced (XLR) and single-ended (RCA) interconnects [irregardless of the ARC reportedly being a balanced architecture].

[The Fluke multimeter was used to bias the Lamm amps after their recent move to this location, with presumably a different wall voltage than the previous location across town].

That Odin interconnect is kind sticking out of the rack at an odd angle, isn’t it? 🙂 All I know is that *I* was out of the room at the time :-).

The Esoteric K-01

Both the K-01 and XDS1 were put up on HRS Nimbus Couplers – significantly better than the sound with the standard feet.

The Esoteric K-01

The EMM Labs XDS1

The EMM Labs XDS1

The EMM Labs XDS1

We played mostly light Jazz, large scale classical, and the 1st cut off of Radiohead Amnesiac. All told we spent about 5 hours at this shootout.

We first did a round of shootout with the Synergistic power cord on the players, and then a round with the Nordost Odin power cord.

The Odin brought the performance of the 2 players MUCH closer together [bringing subtlety and imaging to the K-01 and more slam to the XDS1] but their differences were still quite evident.

Esoteric K-01
[Note that other power cords may do as well here in place of the Synergistic – not just the $$$ Odin, but just note that this player IS power cord sensitive, more so than the EMM Labs I think]

* More authority [in the end, I thought this the most compelling aspect of the sound of the K-01]

* More HiFi sounding [sounded more like a stereo than music – a lack of subtle information made each note stand alone as opposed to forming a whole. 95% of this went away with the Odin power cord. There was little or no imaging(!) either until we replaced the power cord]

* A little leaner [but not in such a way that detracted from the music, IMHO]

EMM Labs

* More like music [for many reasons, I think. Voices had more information in them, allowing us to hear emotion. Notes had more information, allowing us to string them together into songs. Much more listening to music as opposed to listening to how each note sounds]

* Softer, more laid back [The K-01 was more forcefully dynamic]


This shootout really revealed the strengths of these 2 players: The XDS1 sounding like music in spite of being solid-state :-), and the K-01 having great powerful midi- and macro-dynamics [and not just in the bass], in spite of being solid-state 🙂

Strangely enough, these 2 players were closest on the track I played, the Radiohead. Notes are coming from all over the place anyway, so the K-01 did great, and the XDS1 really brings out the voice of the singer and his longing to be left alone. On this track the K-01 was more like a kid running around in a candy store, listening to this note, then that note…the XDS1 more holistic, more drug-like .

I also want to say that, contrary to what I have read elsewhere, the K-01 does NOT have more resolution – in fact it has less – the K-01 does emphasize the main body of each note more than the XDS1 however, and that might be interpreted as detail by some, but the overall information here is really is less because the subtle, more nuanced parts of the notes are quite a bit less prominent.

CES 2011 – Emm Labs

Emm Labs shared a room with Ray Kimber and IsoMike, as they usually do. Here we see Neli getting a tour of one of Ray Kimber’s CDs, as hosted by one of Ray’s helpers.

The sound here on the Sony speakers was much smoother than at previous shows – not the brash hash that I have come to expect from these speakers. Perhaps not the best vehicle for Emm Labs to show off what their gear can do, but they were able to highlight Ray Kimber’s latest recordings quite well, which we loved [more on these in a future post].

I asked Ray what had changed compared to previous shows, and all he said to me was that the Emm Labs PRE2 was sounding better than it did during its prototype phase [or words to that effect]. I do not think that is why it was sounding so much better, having heard several of their preamps over the years… and all of them sounding quite reasonable … [and no matter how great the PRE2 sounds, and no matter how well it seems to somehow straddle the knife edge between solid-state and tube sound(!), I don’t believe it could have such a significant effect] so I am at a loss. Perhaps the volume was just more moderate this year… ?

The Emm Labs PRE2 preamplifier. Much more about this later.

The Emm Labs XDS1 CD/SACD player in Titanium

The Emm Labs DAC2 in black.

The Emm Labs MA 1 DAC prototype (the faceplate is expected to be quite different in the final version). This DAC is designed to work with computer audio systems, will be in the $6500 price range, and will appear under the ‘Meitner’ brand name. Expected to ship this Spring.

Emm Labs PRE2

[I know this has been out a few months, obviously, but we haven’t posted the specs here yet. So here they are :-). Emm Labs has had the Switchman preamp for awhile, and the preamp inside the DCC2 DAC, which we use here all the time. Obviously, they are kicking it up a notch.]

[… and I quote…]

“The PRE2 embodies our recognition that the analog
preamp at the heart of every music system deserves the
very best treatment because it handles every sound your
system makes.

Built on the heritage of the famous PA6i Meitner preamp,
the PRE2 SE updates Ed Meitner’s classic to take a place
at the forefront of 21st century preamp performance.
Eminent recording and mastering engineer Tom Jung
explains: “Ed Meitner is the only guy on the planet who
has an equally good understanding of both digital and
analog circuitry.”

The PRE2 features six analog inputs, a recording loop,
infrared remote control and, most importantly, stunning
transparency. Due, in no small part, to the op-amp-free
dual-balanced audio path, the extraordinarily sophisticated
contactless switching system, and the (completely
proprietary) volume control system.

The PRE2 also extensively features our aerospace-grade
composite laminate circuit boards. These provide several
performance advantages over conventional boards:

  • Copper traces are microscopically smooth on top and
    bottom, making our boards sound more like discrete
    OFC wiring.
  • Naturally damped sandwich construction offers
    superior strength and vibration resistance.
  • Lower dielectric losses and superior heat conduction
    ensure a more uniform temperature gradient across the
    circuitry, increasing stability and longevity.

All of this makes the PRE2 the most sophisticated
solid-state analog preamp ever created. Use it in your
audio system and you’ll be able to control everything.
Except, of course, your enthusiasm.


  • Two sets XLR balanced Inputs
  • Four sets RCA un-balanced inputs
  • One set RCA un-balanced Recording Loop
  • Stereo XLR balanced output
  • Stereo RCA un-balanced output
  • 100% contactless dual-balanced discrete audio paths
  • Proprietary software-based analog volume control
  • Exclusive aerospace-grade composite laminate circuit
  • Precision machined infrared remote control
  • Large display with brightness control
  • Newly designed intuitive control system featuring programmable input naming, settings recall and
    many additional features.
  • RS232 serial port for wired remote control and
    multi-system control.
  • Sculpted, brushed aluminum chassis available in
    silver or black.

Power Supply:

  • Proprietary High-isolation resonant mode power supply for silent, green operation
  • Factory set to 100V or 115V or 230V, 50/60Hz
  • Power consumption: max. 40 W


  • S/N ratio: 110dB (A-weighted)
  • THD: 1kHz <0.01%; 20kHz <0.01%
  • Frequency range: 0Hz-100kHz
  • Gain control range: Better than 62dB
  • Maximum output level: +/- 11V p-p (+26 dBu)
  • Maximum input level: +/- 7V p-p (+22 dBu)
  • Input impedance: balanced XLR – 10k,
  • un-balanced RCA – 20k
  • Output impedance: balanced XLR – 300,
  • un-balanced RCA – 150
  • System gain: +6db

Dimensions W x D x H: 435 x 400 x 92mm
Weight: 12kg