Parts Express – Axpona 2018


I tried several times to photograph this, see below, to capture how cool it looked. Not sure I succeeded.

More speaker drivers

More speaker connectors

More speaker drivers

Again with the Ultimax loudspeaker driver display

High Fidelity Cables – Axpona 2018

The other High Fidelity Cables room was locked, and this one had several classic ‘science discovery toys’ on display along with several ‘scantily clad women’ [ sorry, no photo šŸ˜‰ ]. Depending on who you are, this was either THE room to see, or THE room to avoid, wildly inappropriate, or… geez, probably several other ways to react to all this. Me? I wanted to check out theĀ ‘science discovery toys’ but instead continued on my ‘photographing way’ to the next room.