


Present Time       Big 5/2006                                                                
4/2006       3/2006       9/2005       3/2005       12/2004       8/2004       3/2004       1/2004       12/2003       11/2003  

      Listening Room Number One




This is the main listening room

[These speakers have to go to make room for the Marten Coltrane Supreme speakers and so are for sale at a very special price]



Room Dimensions: 15 feet wide by 35 feet long by 20 or so feet tall.


Speakers: Acapella Triolon Excalibur
AmpsEDGE Electronics NL Reference 800 watt monoblocks
AmpsAudio Note U.K.  Kegon 22 watt monoblocks (breaking in again after a repair, a blown tube blew a previously improperly repaired circuit)
DAC/Preamp: EMMlabs DCC2
Transport: EMMlabs CDSD
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx, Anaconda Alpha
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Jorma Design No. 1 (one run of bi-wire, one run of single-wire)
Interconnect: Stealth INDRA (DCC2 to Edge amplifiers)
Amp stands: HRS (Harmonic Resolution Systems) M3 Isolation Bases and Nimbus Couplers
DAC stand: HRS (Harmonic Resolution Systems) M3 Isolation Bases and Nimbus Couplers
Tweaks: HRS Damp[ing Plate on top of the DCC2
Transport to DAC cables: 3 runs of 10 meter generic orange optical cable

        Listening Room Number Two (South Side)


This is the second listening room.







Room Dimensions: 15 feet wide by 30 feet long by 8 feet tall.



Speakers: Soundlabs Ultimate-1 speakers
AmpsEdge NL Signature Ones
Turntable: Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature with Blue Magic Diamond cartridge
Turntable: Brinkmann Balance with Lyra Titan cartridge
Motor Controller: Walker Audio Reference Motor Controller
Motor Controller: Brinkmann Tube Motor Controller and solid-state power supply
Phone StageLamm LP2
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx, Python
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valkryja speaker cable
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Rix Rax Outposts (under the Edge amps)
CD Player: Audio Aero Prestige
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Digital Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cord: Shunyata Anaconda Alpha, Python Vx
Power Cord: Nordost Valhalla
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax Grand Hoodoo
Power Distributor: Shunyata Hydra-M8
Vibration Control: Acapella 4 Fondato Silenzios
Rear-projection TV: Pioneer  53" Elite
DVD Player:
Sony  DVP9000ES


         Listening Room Number Two (North Side)



This is also the second listening room







Speakers: Marten Design Coltrane speakers
Transport: Audio Note U.K. CDT-2
DAC: Audio Note U.K. 4.1x Balanced
Preamp: Lamm L2 Linestage
AmpsLamm ML2.1
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda
Power Cords: ELROD Statements
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: HRS M3 Isolation Base
Equipment Rack: Acoustic Dreams



       Listening Room Number Three



This room is just now becoming available

Room Dimensions: 10.5 feet wide by 20 feet long by 8.5 feet tall.



Speakers: Kharma Mini Exquisites speakers
AmpLamm ML1.1
CD PlayerEmm Labs (Meitner) CDSD Signature transport and DCC2 Signature DAC
CD PlayerAudio Aero Capitole Mk II
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Speaker Cable: Nordost Tyr
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Acoustic Dreams amp stands
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax



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