Listening Room Number One
This is the main listening room
Daytime |
From the listening position |
And at night.
Room Dimensions: 15 feet wide by 35
feet long by 20 or so feet tall. |
Speakers: Acapella Triolon
Amps: Audio Note U.K.
Kegon 18 watt
300B-based Single-ended Triode monoblocks
DAC/Preamp: EMMlabs DCC2
Transport: EMMlabs CDSD
(not pictured at back of room on Acoustic Dreams rack)
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx,
Anaconda Alpha
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla (two
runs of bi-wire)
Interconnect: Stealth INDRA
(DCC2 to Kegons)
Amp stands: Acoustic Dreams
amp stands
DAC stand: Acapella
Fondato Silenzio
Tweaks: HRS Damp[ing
Plate on top of the DCC2
Transport to DAC cables: 3 runs of
10 meter generic orange optical cable
Finally moved the equipment rack from
between the speakers (we have been waiting for the remodel to finish
- but even though it is not finished, we came up with an idea to put
the rack in the rear away from any anticipated construction.
The CDSD transport is all by itself
on a Acoustic Dreams rack at the rear of the room. Using the very
long but inexpensive ($50) optical cable allows us to put the DCC2
DAC up in the front of the room next to the amps in order to use the
Stealth INDRA to connect the DAC preamplifier directly to the amps.
Between having the INDRA cable be the
only interconnect and removal of the equipment rack from between the
speakers, the sound has improved measurably. For starters, deeper
soundstage and better image stabilization and better harmonic
Listening Room Number Two (South Side)
This is the second listening room. |
Room Dimensions: 15 feet wide by 30
feet long by 8 feet tall.

Speakers: Soundlabs
Ultimate-1 speakers
Amps: Edge NL Reference
monoblocks (pyramids)
Turntable: Walker Audio
Proscenium Gold Signature
Motor Controller: Walker Audio
Reference Motor Controller
Phone Stage: Lamm LP2
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valkryja speaker cable
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Rix Rax Outposts
(under the Edge amps)
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole mk II
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cord: Shunyata Anaconda Alpha,
Python Vx
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax Grand
Power Distributor: Shunyata
Vibration Control: Acapella
4 Fondato Silenzio
Rear-projection TV: Pioneer
53" Elite
DVD Player: Sony DVP9000ES
The Walker turntable was moved to
this side rack in order to provide better access. We thought it
would be easier to play LPs if we did not have to step over two or
four amps every time (and we were right!). Interestingly, the
turntable is still connected to the Coltrane system through a long
run of Nordost Valkryja interconnect. We now need some sort of
switch box so we can alternate playing the turntable on either the
north or south-side systems. Later, we will drill a hole up the wall
and run cable to the rack in the main listening room so that all 3
rooms have access to the Walker turntable.
Listening Room Number Two (North Side)
This is also the second listening room
Speakers: Marten Design
Coltrane speakers
Transport: Audio Note U.K.
DAC: Audio Note U.K.
4.1x Balanced
Preamp: Lamm L2 Linestage
Amps: Edge NL Signature Ones
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valkryja
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valkryja
Amp Stand: HRS M3 Isolation
Base amp
Equipment Rack: Acoustic Dreams
Listening Room Number Three
This room is just now becoming available

Room Dimensions: 10.5 feet wide by 20
feet long by 8.5 feet tall.
Speakers: Acapella Audio
Arts Violon High Sub speakers
CD Player/linestage: Audio Aero
Capitole Signature Edition
Amp: Audio Aero Capitole
Amp: Edge NL 10
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Acapella Audio Arts
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Acoustic Dreams amp
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax