Listening Room Number One
This is the main room, front view.
Room Dimensions: 15 feet wide by 35
feet long by 20 to 24 feet tall. Windows have partially transparent
woven fiberglass shades. One side of the room opens up into the
dining room.

Speakers: Acapella Audio Arts
Violon High Sub
Amps: Edge NL Reference
Amps: Lamm ML1.1
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx (on Edge
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Harmonic Resolution Systems
(under the Lamm)
Amp Stand: Rix Rax "Outposts" amp stand

DAC: Audio Note 4.1x Balanced
Transport: Audio Note CDT-2
Preamplifier: Lamm L2 (two boxes: power supply
and linestage)
Preamplifier: Audio Note M8
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valkryja
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valkryja
Digital Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cord: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Power Cord: Shunyata Python
Vibration Control: Three Acapella
Fondato Silenzio isolation bases.
Vibration Control: Harmonic Resolution
Systems Damping Plates.
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax Grand Hoodoo
The Audio Note CDT-2 transport is on the Walker Valid Points.
Another view of the Audio Note CDT-2 transport on the Walker
Valid Points.
Here the Audio Note CDT-2 transport is on the HRS isolation base
and Nimbus Couplers (the couplers are not visible under the
transport itself)
The Audio Note Conquest Silver Signature amplifier monoblock.. up
close and personal.
Swapping the Marten Design Coltrane speakers for the Acapella
Violons speakers...
The glow of the 6C33C tubes on the Lamm ML1.1 amplifier at
Listening Room Number Two
This is the second listening room, front view. Here
we are looking at the Soundlab Ultimate-1 speakers silhouetting
against a lighted back ground of plants and... hot tub.
Speakers: Soundlab Ultimate-1
Amps: Edge Signature One 400 watt
/ channel laser-biased monoblocks
Amps: Edge G8+ 200 watt / channel laser-biased
Amps: Edge G3 65 watt / channel
integrated amplifier
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Speaker Cable: Shunyata Andromeda
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Acoustic Dreams (G3)
Amp Stand: Edge
The Edge G3 integrated amp (with the glowing blue knobs) driving
the Soundlabs.
Forty lashes for Mike and Neli for using the Edge Signature One
monoblock amplifiers as amp stands for the Edge G8+ monoblock
The equipment rack associated with the above Soundlab system.
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole
mk II
Preamplifier: Edge Signature One (battery
Phono Preamplifier: Lamm LP2 Deluxe
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cord: Nordost Shiva
Power Cord: Nordost Vishnu
Equipment Rack: Acoustic Dreams