Previously, on
the Audio Federation high-end audio CES 2008 Show Report that is
trying to take over the world one photo at a time, it is late Thursday
afternoon, the last day of the show, and we have arrived at the
last floor, the final floor, of the Venetian that we haven't
visited yet.
By the time we get to the bottom of this page, we will have
finished the entire high-end audio extravaganza that is CES and
T.H.E. Show except, with my apologies, the few rooms at the Mirage
[bad planning on my part], 3 or 4 at the St. Tropez [laziness],
the Magnepan room at the Alexis Park [brain in serious need of
repair], and the static displays at the Las Vegas Convention
Center [just couldn't get excited this year about companies too
embarrassed by the quality of their sound to put them in a live
system - or who have no interest in the audiophile market,
preferring instead the mass market aka making mo money].
Well, this is it then.
Thanks for reading this far - hope you enjoyed it. Yeah, we are
a little controversial sometimes, but most manufacturers love the
reports - whether because they realize that there is no bad
publicity, because they will make lots of sales no matter how much
we talk about how much they suck [you think any of us are hurting
Bose's sales any?], or because it is just plain nice for someone,
us, to acknowledge that they do in fact exist and some of their
products did in fact appear at CES. At THE CES, which is still The
Big Time.
We're open to suggestions for improvements for the next reports
- but, if someone mentions adding even more photos...
This show report continues in the Blog, where we expand on the
reviews of the rooms that we liked and people can add their
comments. So if you are interested, see ya over there in a day or