Audio Aero


Updated: January, 2006
(Prices subject to change. Not responsible for errors. All prices in U.S. dollars. Prices do not include shipping to purchaser)

Prestige Series
  Prestige CD/SACD Player

CD/SACD 24/192 STARS Player with volume control and preamp with analog inputs. The Prestige not only shreds the competition at this price point, but it comes with a world-class built-in linestage that we run our $50K Walker turntable-based setup through as comfortably as we do our $1200 Sony 9000ES DVD player. Details...Our review vrs. the Meitner..., Our review versus the Capitole..., Catalog...


  Prestige Amplifiers

Monoblock 2 x 40 watt Class A single-ended Tube Power Amplifiers. Controlled yet musical single-ended triode amplifier. Details...

$23,000.00 pair.


The Audio Aero Prestige amplifier is Audio Aero's top amplifier.

See our Audio Aero gallery for photos and Audio Aero page more information about Audio Aero's beautiful cd players and amplifiers.


Capitole Series
  Capitole Reference CD Player

CD 24/192 STARS Player with volume control and preamp with 3 analog inputs. Still the one to beat. Two styles are available: 6mm black brushed aluminum with silver printing or silver brushed aluminum with black printing (pictured) Details..., Catalog...


  Capitole Reference DAC
DAC 24/192 STARS Reference with volume control and preamp with 3 analog inputs. Two styles are available: 6mm black brushed aluminum with silver printing or silver brushed aluminum with black printing.


  Capitole Transtrac Amplifier
2 x 40 watt Class A Tube/hybrid Power Amplifier.


  Capitole Transtrac Integrated Amplifier

2 x 40 watt Class A Tube/Hybrid Integrated Amplifier.



A few more pictures of beautiful Audio
Aero equipment are to be found in our
Audio Aero Catalog.

  Capitole Amplifier

2 x 50 watt Class A Stereo Power Amp Featuring TRAC System Power Amplifier.

$9,800.00. Details...

Prima Series
  Prima CD Player 24/192
Two styles are available: 6mm black brushed aluminum with silver printing or silver brushed aluminum with black printing.

  Prima Integrated Mk II

Two styles are available: 6mm black brushed aluminum with silver printing or silver brushed aluminum with black printing.



  Optional LCD Remote
A special remote for the Capitole and Prestige CD players.

  Preamp upgrade kit for Capitole MkII CD Player

Not actual picture of upgrade but instead a picture of the analog inputs on the back of the Capitole MkII CD player as pre-installed by the factory. $2,000.00.



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