Full Report
CES Main Conference

South Hall Part 3
January 8th-11th, 2007


* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.




If you notice that some of these photos are differently sized from the others, or are strangely cropped - well, sometimes people caught in mid-stride, or mid-sentence, or mid-life, just look too stupid and they would die if they saw themselves in a photo like this - so I try and crop all those people out.
















One of those calm alleyways between the backs of two exhibits. At least one of these has some posters to look at so one doesn't have to go into complete visual-sensory-deprivation withdrawal.











These guys and gals use what look like low frequency vibrations to cure one's ailments.




This fellow is getting treated at CES.








Hillcrestlabs has a nice slogan... but not sure what they do.




Zalman makes parts for PCs that help them to be q-u-i-e-t ... I own one of their large chassis and a fan or two. I took lots of photos. Perhaps I'll put them at the end of this floor's report. Their gear looks really cool to me - but it might be an acquired taste....




Enough is enough?




Lots of nice chairs at the show. Doesn't anyone else find those channels for the legs to be claustrophobic? Me, I like moving around some, crossing my legs sometimes, etc.
















I think some people have a hard time deciding in which Hall to put their Exhibit. They are not the only ones.








The HDMI interface has an exhibit.




The only Zune I saw at the show.












I want one of these to use as wall art. And then a bunch of real artists need to start painting in pixels and not pastels or oil. And then I could change the picture when I get tired of it, presuming that the artists do not charge $K++ for the privilege of showing a copy of their art in my house. I think Bill Gates has this, but uses it for landscapes and not art?
































This was a popular exhibit, even thought the official robotics exhibition hall was at the Sands-Expo.




Toy robots that are apprarently quite sophisticated.




Another empty furniture exhibit.




These picture frames that played MP3, if I understand them correctly, were popular items at the show. Sony also had picture frames that played, presumably, memory cards so that one can have a 100s of photos at a touch of a button on one's desk.
















This is always a attractive display, no matter how many times we see it.




Yep, wood-working tools at CES. This attracted a lot of guys, as might be expected.








There sure are a lot of 3rd tier manufacturers of electronics that I never heard of.












That makes four in a row.




Karaoke singer who sang better than the average karaoke singer, let me tell you.




For some reason Karaoke hasn't taken off in the U.S. as it has in Japan, for which I am personally grateful, but I wonder how long we've got until it is a craze?












No, I won't say it.









* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.


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