Full Report
CES Main Conference

Central Hall - Part 2
January 8th-11th, 2007


* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.




The Panasonic booth extended from here to down to the other side there and then into what was the stage for the singer we saw in part 1.



Kenwood would be more appropriately placed in the South Hall. Not sure how they assign locations of exhibits, but it is not quite at random...








Yamaha had one of their grand pianos here.




That guy is really belting it out for Toshiba.
















Hyundai? Hyundai.




What a nice smile. Oh. Edgetech was there.
















We are kind of circumnavigating the Toshiba booth.
















Philips is doing something cool looking here - not sure how.




Trademarking FlatTV(tm)? Isn't that like trademarking ColorTV?




We saw Canon video recorders and now projectors.




Maxell is staying in the game, as the world moves to HD of some sort.




Hitachi. We are making the rounds here of all the big honchos in video. All except Fujitsu who must be in the North Hall?








We found the Blue-Ray booth. Like the early days of CD, then DVD. They have to display each and every release to assure us that it is OK we wasted, I mean invested, our money on expensive Blu-ray players.




Cool booth design - but face it - they're all awesome. An unsuspected art form. But the sound here at this little theater sucked. Such smart people wanting to impress a massive audience but they have nasty, edgey, compressed, uneven, boomy, irritatingly low resolution sound instead.








It is after 5:00 pm and closing, but this nice woman was starting up a show for those that were unable to make it here earlier.




My Canon 20D camera forced me to take this picture and paste it in here at maximum size. Not my fault.




Circumnavigating the Philips booth now. Not intentionally, it just so happens.




Oh. Yeah. Figures THEY'D be here. With their own information booth. Smart.




Here I learn that my BDP-S1 is not going to be by itself in the Sony stable for long.




Somehow I find this totally useless information fascinating.




As I understand it these are picture frames that show... photos.




Everywhere I saw these types of picture frames there was lots of people crowding around.




More Sony.




A lot of people look at me like they never saw a wildman wielding a camera before.




It was too late to see anything - but I think they were doing some real time video theater here (similar to that at the INTEL exhibit on the way out of the hall, only they kept at it until after I left).




The Sony tower.




A larger photo of the Sony TOWER.








Xplod. With a car. Kind of.




There is no steering wheel in this car. And at least 13 flat screens.




Maybe all the screens help a person drive it without a steering wheel. Or maybe the stick shift is a joy stick?




The other side of the AKAI booth.




TEAC. We are getting to the far corners of he Hall now.








Naxa Electronics.




Hilarious. TV Wall Mounting Kits for Dummies. But seriously, maybe we should....




Meade Instruments and their telescopes was here. Kind of unexpected, even strange, but I liked it.




That telescope there is massive.




And here is a massive photo of it. Didn't come out great - but I had to include it. Kind of reminds us that there is a reality beyond what we see on TV (or on computers and show reports :-) )




USM - U.S. Music Corp.








I think this is a distributor of some sort.








Haier. Something like 'The official LCD monitor of the NBA', Or something liek that. That is why we see the basketball court there.








CMC - looks like music / electronics accessories for kids - girls in this case. Smart.




Fesco distributors.








On the way out we see that the rodeo has started.




End of the day. Time to have some fun.




I kind of skipped Intel's booth on the way in, thinking it was not representative of the rest of the exhibits here, it really doesn't belong [even the formula racing car game we had in part 1 of this Central Hall was kind of strange to see in this hall - it would have fit in much more in the South Hall with all the others].

But, after the rodeo, this looks normal now.




Mor eIntel - although this booth does not have a heckuva lot of content.




This display was sideways, and displaying information about the architecture of their chips. I thought it was interesting [I am a software geek among my other geeky hobbies], but.... I wonder if I am the only one.




I wanted to make sure I caught a bus back to the Venetian. So I did not hang for this demonstration. But real-time media creation software, a green screen, actors, content creation...

This is the way I came in and it was the way I was going to leave. This after exiting the Hall earlier only to find myself outside having no idea where I was, possibly miles as the pedestrian walks from busses and taxis and a way to get 'home'. So, I decided to retrace my steps through the Hall to make sure I knew where I would be, 'in front' as I thought of it, when I was outside in the quiet dark by now evening. Well, as dark as it gets in Las Vegas.

This was the end of the 3rd day. Tomorrow would be spent shooting high-end audio at THE SHOW at the St. Tropez hotel.






* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.


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