Full Report
January 8th-11th, 2007


* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.




The electronics for the Montana, PBN room.















Not sure what turntable this is (check out Dave and Carol's report at Positive Feedback, I think I saw that they got a photo of this), but I took several pictures. Like most turntables, it was very photogenic.




















The Concert Fidelity, Audio Critical Mass, Escalante Design room. I thought this room sounded better than Escalante-fronted systems have at recent shows, with a little more authority and resolution.




















End of the first day. Time to take a loud off. Neli hates my shoes - but they are comfortable albeit falling apart.




Monday night THE SHOW had some entertainment - which I missed. The report from one of our cohorts was that this couple, who graciously posed for my photo, were dancing to modern psychedelic music with a film-track to match. Sounded like a lot of fun to me - but I was too late to catch anything but the performers [and a bunch of drunk and tipsy exhibitors whose photos I will keep to cheer me up during those occasions when I think I've done something really silly and stupid ;-) ]




The rest of the THE SHOW photos were taken late morning, early afternoon the last day, Thursday.

This was it - the end. I did not miss any rooms that I know of except 2 or 3 up on the 34th floor of the Venetian [sorry guys and gals, spaced you out]. Other rooms 'missed' were either truly missed by some kind of freak accident, were no-shows, left the show early, or had some top-secret meeting which required them to lock and not answer my knocks on their door.

First photo of the day... looks just like I felt. But it was 10 am, time to WAKE UP!




Better. I didn't get any full system shots, nor was I able to hear this system, as it was full of people talking about I don't know what I hardly ever pay attention to people unless they are talking to me, and even then I often do not pay attention.




The Boulder 2000 Class A Stereo Amplifier.








MBL CD player and I can't see what on an *HRS MXR Equipment rack.

Like I said, I didn't get to hear this room - formidable looking speakers though...




OK, average looking system with monitor speakers, lousy photo [sorry], ... next room. But they call me "MISTER photographer' back into then room to see what they have in the other room of the suite [many of the rooms at the St. Tropez are two-room suites. Where they keep the good stuff...




I've  heard these speakers before and been impressed by their lack of boxxed-up-sound - but these amps are new. There was some talk about these amps on AVS Forum before the thread deteriorated... But apparently they arrived to the show late - and are probably not really warmed up nor broken in. So, although I did not hear anything 'special' from this system, it doesn't really mean anything about the amps. OK?




The modules on the left can be swapped in and out of the amp in order to choose which kind of tube. and architecture I presume, that one wants to listen to today.




















Extra modules.




The Epiphany, Cardas, Running Springs Room. Classe electonics.




Epiphany certainly has improved their fit-and-finish over the years.




The electronics on a Finite Elemente equipment rack.




The Alltronics room.




The April Music room.




The Hsu Research room. This room was very dark.




The electronics used in the Hsu room.




The Sonicweld, Locus Design Group room.




Another pjoto of the Sonicweld, Locus Design Group room.




The areas between two of the building at the St. Tropez was enclosed, i.e. the first and second floor hallways were contiguous with a bend in them. At one of these junctions we had these goodies for perusal and purchase.








The TBI Audio System room.




The Adira, Clarity Capacitors, Hemp Acoustics, Solar Hi-Fi, and Tympanik room.




























The Landas Imports, Ars Aures, Art Audio, Gill Audio Design and K-Works room



The Audio Research and Vandersteen room.




The electronics; ARC with Richard Gray and *Shunyata Hydra power management.




The Magnepan room.




The electronics; Conrad-Johnson, Starbucks, et. al.




Magnepan's solution for on wall speakers that sound good is to allow them to fold out...








.. and then fold back into the wall.




The subwoofer camouflaged as an end-table. No, didn't get to hear how the stealth HT equipment sounded.




The Studio Electric, Benchmark Media room.








More of what the room really looked like. I wanted to get back here, we thought this system had a lot to offer last year, but...




The Classic Audio Reproductions, Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Tri-Planer room

The rooms at the St. Tropez, THE SHOW, are not lit as well as the Venetian, and there is only so much post-processing (photoshopping) can do.




These guys brought some LPs.




The Atma-Sphere amps.



The Classic Audio Reproductions speaker in this room.







* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.


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