Full Report


January 8th-11th, 2007


* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.




Highland Audio,
NorStone Design
The Highland Audio, NorStone Design room.




The Innovadis room with Escalante speakers and Rowland amplifier.








The Halo, Parasound, PMC room.







Some in-wall speaker solutions.








An in-wall speaker example.








The Avatar Acoustics room (Acoustic System, AMR, Karan). Virtual Dynamics cables.

Because of a number of requests for us to post our impressions of the systems in this room, including those on the Audio Asylum, I stayed and listened to a few CDs on both this and the smaller system below.

When I got here they were in the middle of a demo of the Acoustic System tweaks, tiny bowls mounted to wood (see below). Like the Shakti demo at THE SHOW, all I could determine from the demo was that it was important to balance the deployment of these positional tweaks - if there is one on the left speaker, there should be one on the right. As for the effect, I could convince myself that they were for the good and that they were not. In general, both these tweaks seem to increase pressurization of the room - but whether it was at the expense of things I value more, like microdynamics [to communicate emotion and message and to help keep hardness at bay] and even-handed treatment of frequencies and dynamics top-to-bottom  - this was not at all obvious, to me during the demo.

Below are my impressions of the large system. Luckily I wrote down a lot of notes immediately afterwards, because as I write this almost two weeks later, it is hard to remember anything right now but my own name. Please remember that everything goes into a making a system's sound be what it is, including, for example, cables.


Level of detail: 5=perfect   5.5
Micro-dynamics   7
Midi-dynamics   8
Macro-dynamics   7
Harmonic resolution   6
Body / richness   7
Tonal accuracy   7
Separation   7
Consistency top-to-bottom   7
Control   7
Authority   6
Correctness   7
Separation   5
Transparency   5
Depth   N/A
Width   N/A
Off axis behavior   N/A
Solidity   N/A
Enjoyability   5
Emotionality   4
Reality   6
Magic   3
Impressiveness   7
Sophistication   7
An average system for this price range. Somewhat un-involving, separation not so good.
N/A means Not paying Attention [I wasn't paying attention to this]

For most scoring, 9 = best we ever heard. On Level of Detail, less than 5 implies a rounded note presentation, greater than 5 implies a distinct note presentation.

These impressions are just impressions, and apply to the whole system in combination to the room. Please do not misconstrue it as something else, especially you speaker manufacturers.

Impressive - Exaggerated bass and/or detail and/or dynamics
Sophisticated - Detailed and with finesse
Enjoyable - Nice to listen to, pleasant
Sweet - Exaggerated harmonics and/or warmth
Emotional - Music often pulls at heart strings
Real/Truth - Transparent, accurate
Magical/Spiritual - Precipitates psychological effects other than what might be expected





The AMR speaker




The Karan amplifier.
























The large system again...




Don't ask me.








The Acoustic Systems tweak.




The Acoustic Systems tweak, close-up.




An AMR CD player




An AMR CD player. Good build quality, tube output stage... kind of a cross between the Audio Aero and Audio Note approaches, where, as I understand it, you can chose no-sampling or up-sampling / over-sampling / whatever.




















The small system I heard. Yes, sorry, funny angle - I really did listen while standing in front of the system. Really.

This AMR system, with virtual Dynamics cables, was much more neutral and almost solid-state in its approach which is strange what with the tube CD player and integrated.




The VTL room with Avalon speakers. We've said enough about this system at past shows....








The Analysis Plus, Vincent Audio, WS Distributing room.
































The Balanced Audio Technology room. With *HRS equipment rack and Magico Mini speakers.

It was very dark in this room. So dark that when I took these first photos all I knew was that this was an HRS rack, and assumed it was one of the Mahogany MXR racks and took a few photos and left.

[There are no photos of the speakers here because Magico does not want photos of their speakers in our report for reasons described in section of the report for Wing One of the Venetian Tower - essentially because of our opinion on the sound of the rooms that Magico showed in at the last CES .]

It was only later that I learned that these were the MXR in the new metallic red finish. So a bunch more photos, taken a few days later, are inserted below. It was still dark in the room when I got there so I asked the nice fellow if he could turn up the lights. He said after the song ends and so I listened to the system for the rest of the song [the sound didn't suck and you BAT fans out there would probably think it was pretty good: round notes, good control, no micro-dynamics but well balanced for most of the frequencies, considering BATs do not have much air and the little Minis are not able to fill a room this size with bass].

When the song ended he turned up the lights, as promised, but only part of the way. So, although my camera could take photos [which it can anyway in near pitch black, as the first few photos here show], I was still unable to just look at the rack with the naked eye and see what it was, how it looked in the context of a system and a bunch of black components on the shelves.

How else would I know whether I should push for us to go with this color for our next MXR or go with one of the figured or burled wood finishes that Neli wants. Heck, it is an uphill battle to start with, since I am the one who pushed for the gloss black one we have now, and this ain't helping me get up the massive amounts of conviction and passion and, I know it, sheer foolhardiness needed to argue a wife, who has every right to think she gets to pick the next veneer, out of her choice in favor of mine ... ;-)

So , anyway...., these photos are much brighter and clearer that what I saw while I was actually there at the show and I am seeing them for the first time now, as I process and post these pictures.
























The HRS MXR equipment rack in metallic red with the lights raised... .












The Grand Prix Audio, Eggleston Works, Kubala-Sosna room.








The Rogue Audio, Echo Busters, Eggleston Works room.








The Totem Acoustic room




The Totem Acoustic room. Anyone else think the decor here is kind of gruesome?




The Siltech America room. These are their Signature Loudspeaker SC1.

At least a little interesting looking, aren't they?




Everything presumable wired with Siltech cabling, including the internal wiring of the speaker.




A 100% Krell front end.




















Anybody else feel for the guy or gal that has to undo all those screws to get the back panel off? There has been a trend lately to add more and more screws to all sorts of panels in a sort of one-upmanship, or brinkmanship, sort of arms race - played with screws in this case.








The Convergent Audio Technology room. CAT makes that amp you see there on the floor.








The CD player here is also made by CAT. The pre is by Ayre.






* product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.


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