Listening Room Number One
We are remodeling!
So here are some pictures of our setup at our
temporary location
This is the main room, overhead view.
Room Dimensions: 11.5 feet wide by 35
feet long by 20 or so feet tall.

Speakers: Marten Design
Coltrane speakers
Amps: Edge NL Signature Ones
Amps: Audio Note Kegons
Power Cords: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp Stand: Harmonic Resolution Systems
Isolation Base (under the Edge)
Amp Stand: Acoustic Dreams (under the
Audio note Kegons)
Tweaks: Elevators under the
The equipment rack in listening room #1.

DAC: Audio Note 4.1x
Transport: Audio Note CDT-2
Preamplifier: Lamm L2 (two boxes: power supply
and linestage)
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Digital Interconnect: Nordost
Power Cord: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Power Cord: Shunyata Python Vx
Power Center: Shunyata Hydra-8
Vibration Control: Five Acapella
Fondato Silenzio isolation bases.
Vibration Control: Harmonic Resolution
Systems Isolation Base
Vibration Control: Harmonic Resolution
Systems Damping Plates.
Equipment Rack: Rix Rax Grand Hoodoo
Listening Room Number Two
This is the second listening room
Speakers: Acapella Trilon
Speakers: Acapella Violon High
Subs (blue horns)
Amps: Lamm ML1.1 90 watt
6C33C-based push-pull monoblocks
Power Cords: Shunyata Anaconda Vx
Speaker Cable: Nordost Valhalla
Speaker Cable: Acapella
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Amp stands: Acoustic Dreams amp
A closer...
.. and closer...
...look at...
The Acapella
Listening room #2 equipment rack.

Transport: Accustic Arts
Drive 1
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole mk II
DAC: Weiss Medea
Preamplifier: Edge Signature One
(battery powered)
Interconnect: Nordost Valhalla
Power Cord: Shunyata Anaconda Alpha
Power Cord: Shunyata Taipan Alpha
Equipment Rack: Acoustic Dreams
Listening Room Number Three
Listening room #3 remains at our house which is being remodeled -
someday to arise out of the 'ashes' and play beautiful music again.

The now-defunct listening room #3
(SoundLab Ultimate-1 speakers and Edge NL Reference