

Tower:   9 10 11 2          Main   1 Mezzanine        Atrium 4 5a   5b




RMAF 2008
October 2008

* Denotes a product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.









Sound is musical. Reevaluating 'having ears'. May have to retire and be reviewer. After reboot and several reformats, brain calculates 99% probability: Wadia still sounds like Wadia. Slightly more digital than the competition. But corollary: Wadia often inserted into systems that intrinsically sound bad. Conclusion: most show systems with Wadia built by exhibitors without 'ears'. But this room. This room in top 90% of rooms.









Audio Unlimited is a local dealer. Apologize for some of the speaker photos. Spent a lot of time trying to find a combination of Photoshop tools to get rid of smudge marks on speakers [without actually retouching the photos]. But now I see Stereophile's photos have the same problems.








Interesting finish for VR speakers. Maybe like. Maybe not. Sound not impressive. Big room. Speakers built to be impressive. But not. Used to hearing speakers setup by jtinn. Hard act to follow.









Audio Unlimited is a local dealer.










Like Vivid speakers. Very much. Very quick. Appropriately detailed. Great separation. Think people will get used to look. Perhaps Luxman wrong amp for speakers. Bad sound - compressed, congested and constipated. Murky and wildly uncontrolled in midrange. Maybe get away with bad match if not played extremely loud. Philip great distributor and passionate audiophile. Make trouble suggesting FM Acoustics might want to consolidate distribution. Perhaps more synergistic with loud Vivids.










Sound not to taste. Perhaps lack of room pressurization. Perhaps lack of harmonic richness.







Gave up on pure McIntosh systems. Rather watch the ultra rich and politicians trash economy on TV.










Missed Lars' demo this year. But demo'd Nordost ODIN power cord in own system in 9030. Current system philosophy: use all ODIN cabling as foundation of perfect system, and work backwards, replacing with other cables if and as needed. Cables as tone controls? Cables as modeling clay. Shape system to personal needs and individualities and handicaps of components.

That last photo. Just sit staring at it. Show report must go on...but...can't...





Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.

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