

Tower:   9 10 11 2          Main   1 Mezzanine        Atrium 4 5a   5b




Floor 11
RMAF 2008
October 2008

* Denotes a product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.










Retouched first photo. Erased speaking man caught in mid-word. Trust me. It was a good deed. Sound not memorable. Nice people were.





Audiophile playing unrecognized heavy metal. Happy that audiophile had a room to play his music. Perhaps also a system that catered to his tastes. Think we should bring more than Perfect Circle and Led Zeppelin to show next year. Too lazy to Google how I am supposed to misspell Zeppelin.







First photo photoshopped to remove profile of man. No memory of sound. But memories do have a sound. Put idea in wasteland of brain overflowing with unprioritized ideas.









Forgot to take picture of door sign. First of many. PS Audio marketing dream of regenerative power affecting sound in positive way to audiophiles and built a multi-layered business around the profits. Smart. Now music servers and supporting paraphernalia. Smart. Avalon speakers sound good. Musical. Dynamic for most of range. Engaging in comparison with other rooms. Even driven by these amps. Amps not PS Audio's core expertise.








Not memorable. Except for these two components plugged into the wall. Refreshed in the PS Audio room - but boredom and desire to sleep still present.








Audio Alternative is a local dealer.






Memory not available. Perhaps need to reinsert brain.








No lasting impression. Listened. Long ago discarded desire to decompose how sound not perfect unless forced by circumstances.








Big wonderful horn dynamics. No horn honkiness. Very non-linear across frequency spectrum. Dynamics real and entertaining. Otherwise not enough like real music. Perhaps this makes them second best speaker in the world.








Strange looking. Strange even amongst the all the other strange. Sound did not engage. Did not analyze further. Think Joe did not like question if these were new Feastrex speakers.







Very elegant setup. Photos do not do justice. Sound not up to decor.







Our Marten* Coltrane Supreme speakers use Bladelius amps. But not impressed here. Think many systems comprised of only importer's own lines tend towards stupidity. Perhaps this is case here.












Camera loves turntables. It needed to run wild. Anthropomorphizing, systems in Galibier room always sound like strong independent components trying to agree on something. Musical. But theme-less. Or needs glue. Or lube. No, not necessarily beer.

Thom and Joan are here. Room a sanctuary in jungle of show. Predators and bad vibes loom outside. But must control paranoia and steel self for next floor's gauntlet.

Missed some rooms on this floor. Went back twice. Still missed some. Need better Marriott hallway traversal methodology or advanced technological support system. Or perhaps use map.






Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.

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