Distributor here is nice - but do not like AMR sound. Too blanched
and constipated. Wonder if only blanched and constipated people
like it. Or only those who are not. Must ponder if self is
blanched and constipated later. Took photos of surprise Feickert
turntable. Maker of setup tools now makes turntable. The two skill
sets only peripherally related. Turntable market very full. Hope
it is very good or very cheap. We need both. Love taking photos of
turntables. Feedback by the exhibitor:
"Dr. Chris Feickert has been designing turntables and motor drives
for tables for many years now for multiple different turntable
manufacturers. He only recently designed the alignment tool as he
was unhappy with the other products available on the market. He's
primarily a turntable designer and not a protractor designer.
Matter of fact, he also designed the Adjust Plus alignment
software and gave a presentation on the software alongside Michael
Fremer at RMAF and received a rousing applause.
His turntables have been available in Europe for over three years
now! This was their U.S. Premier and there are 3 models that span
the price gamut. He even makes his own tonearm, the DFA 10.5
which was on the table in my other room 511.
When you took the photo in my room, I was
working on the computer. I hadn't realized that the hard drive
had become disconnected. I stood up to let you take the photo and
asked if you would like to stay and listen to something since
we weren't actually playing sound at the time. Of course you
were in a rush due to the many photos you take and unfortunately
couldn't stay. As you can plainly see from the photo you took,
the AMR CD player is a top loader and the door is open with the
puck is sitting on top of the player. The AMR CD player
was not playing at the time of your visit, therefore I guess
the blanched constipated sound that you were hearing must have
been coming from one of the neighboring rooms. Since the AMR is a
truly all tubed CD player, I�ve yet to hear anyone who�s listened
to it in a familiar system call it blanched and constipated.
Should you ever desire the opportunity to compare it to the EMM
Labs that you use, I believe you too will find this to be true.
I do appreciate the comment about being nice as I was severely
hung over when you stopped by. We try to provide great customer
service along with great products here at Avatar Acoustics.
Once again, thanks for the great photos!
Darren Censullo
Avatar Acoustics
Peachtree City, GA 30269
(678) 364-9194 W
(305) 608-6079 C
(678) 364-9193 F
Feedback on feedback. Talking
about AMR family sound. Not room sound. Not room next door sound
:-) Other components here in system besides AMR. AMR is several
systems at several shows. Also private demo at previous show.
We use EMM Labs. Use Audio Note and
Audio Aero as well. Recommend whatever fits system and personal
preferences. All digital is blanched [harmonically deficient]
and/or constipated [dynamically deficient] compared to analog.
Some more so. Some less. Different people focus on different
things. Thank nice distributor for nice email. |