

Tower:   9 10 11 2          Main   1 Mezzanine        Atrium 4 5a   5b




Main Floor 1
RMAF 2008
October 2008

* Denotes a product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.











Big room. Big, big room. Photographing a big pain. Sony speakers a pain. Sometimes bright and edgy. Maybe better last year. Sony lionized for ability to build speaker larger than Viao PC speaker. But not by me.

Room sound little better each year. Ray smarter each year. Equipment better each year. Maybe show reporter smarter each year. Wife says maybe not.

Many people enjoy Ray Kimber's experiment with big system. Ray embarrassingly kind. Two guys unload big system from truck in one quarter time we unload 2 and a half systems. Not even breathing hard. Everything on wheels. Long centipede-like assemblies with 4-wheeled carts on ends strapped together with long moving straps. Not even breathing hard.

No, not hate Ray. Someday when we very famous audio rockstars like Ray we build custom moving equipment too. Have races down Marriott hallways. Cheat, and make ours motorized.









Think Usher good value. This year, not so good value. Not sounding like previous years.

Problems with psycho camera in large rooms. Does not want to illuminate prey. Camera supposed to be smart. Not supposed to make me think. Darn camera.








First visit sound very scratchy. Note dynamic envelopes anemic. Also harmonically anemic. Write off room. Commune with others in audiophile herd grazing in rundown Marriott. Some like sound. Maybe they feed anemic system.

Return to scene. Snap digitals of new black Emm Labs* CDSA. Did not see CDSA first visit. First visit anxious to get out of room. Not like people to see expression on face.

Now sitting in room. Waiting. Still not playing music. Leaving.





Familiar show system. Familiar sound. Not offensive. Not great. Love the plants. Rooms with plants get tremendous quantities of love from eyes. Perhaps Mike and Neli get clue. Mike and Neli so overwhelmed by life. So perhaps still clueless. Room still 9th floor wasteland.









Audio Limits is a local dealer. Camera still shy in large rooms. Maybe should pet it. Maybe coo sweet nothings to it.








Sounds Real is a local dealership.
















The Vendor areas. Did not exchange green paper of dubious worth for black vinyl. Last year very expensive. This year, we bring better vinyl selection from home. Save a lot of money. Neli selected LPs. No Hendrix. No Zeppelin. Next year I pay more attention. Wonder if Daft Punk is on vinyl.




Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable
if attribution is given but may not be included in multi-room show reports without written permission.

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