Previously, on the candy store catalog that is the (Medium Resolution) CES 2008 Show Report, it is
early Wednesday afternoon, the third day of this four day show. and
we had finished the 'B' Wing on floor 29, climbed the stairs and
said hello to the security guards [cut down, but not completely,
the smoking in the stairwells], and are just now starting on the second Wing,
of three, of the exhibitions
found on floor 30. Somewhere along here, I ran into Dave Clark,
of Positive Feedback, and Al? [not Albert Porter] of Audiogon -
and we were all having fun going from room to room, taking photos,
in nearly consecutive rooms, like some kind of audiogeek ballet.
But it didn't last long, as someone would stop to chat, or take a
few extra pictures, we lost touch with each other.
I. at least, feel some kind of camaraderie with my fellow show
reporters, even though, after hours, we lead quite different
We hear the hype about 'hard disk transports' being 'almost as
good' as a traditional transport - but we are in the business
where 'almosts' are really, really important. Well, they are to
us, anyway.
We also hear the hype that hard disk transports are better
than traditional transports - and the people who say this, their
rooms sound like poop.
So where does the truth lie? Well, the future lies with hard
disk transports [or memory sticks]. But we'll jump ship after they
start sounding like we want them to sound. Anyone remember 1983
and CDs?
Seeing how this is going, maybe everyone will drive their
systems with iPods next year. Seem to be headed that way. And all
the rooms will point and blame everything on the iPod and we will
report that they all sounded like crap. |