
Number 10

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

Sunday October 12th, 2007

* Denotes a product carried by Audio Federation

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All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.

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OK,. This was Saturday afternoon. I had only done one floor so far. Our room had been crowded since T=0. I was now in panic mode, so I did not listen to many systems at this point unless something was specifically brought to my attention.
































In-wall ribbons. Cool.















My scientific side says this is how speakers should be built - but they were not playing music while I was here, so... Too bad, looks like a nice system.













































Someone told me they liked the new small Cain & Cain speakers.  I thought these were them, but they are not. Looms like they are JohnBlue Speakers. They sounded pretty good, actually, though I am not immune to being impressed by the bass and full-sound a small speaker can generate - like these do. If their price is commensurate with their size, these might do real well in tight situations - like an office for example.
















































































A friend told me they were building speakers with this tweeter, so I listened to the music here. The highs were clickity-clacky - really weird. When I asked my friend "WHAT were you thinking?" he responded that Reference Audio Mods had modified the Tonian tweeter quite a bit.




















Looks like a 'modded Original' CD player. How's that for an oxymoron? :-)




































Somehow I missed this room. My sincerest apologies guys. [This is really bad, they asked me 'did you get our room? Did you get our room?'  'Yes, of course' I say. 'I went to ALL of the rooms'. Geez. Really mucked up on this one. These guys, Dan Wright (ModWright), Frank Kraus (FLK Marketting), Peter Clark (RedPoint) are the nicest guys... well, they were up until now, anyway ;-)

Photo courtesy of Danny Kaey, Thanks Danny!



















































Cain & Cain speakers with a new look. Kind of like this one, myself.





This one might be good for you guys out there who spent all your money and your hi-fi gear with no money left for a hotrod.




















The inside of the big Cain & Cain speaker above - the view from the side.










Kind of easy to forget about Halloween coming up when at a show like this. Too bad Neli, the candy lover in the family, wasn't here to take advantage of these 'treats'.










The Eascalante speakers are really mellow when it comes to the treble. There are a number of people out there who really cannot stand notes about about 3 - 4K Hz. They should have a look at these.










Sound Science is another local dealer here in Metro Denver.






























This was out in the hallway, and the attractive woman customer was not going to move to let me see who was carrying this and the following devices. Very cute though. Fit right here on my desk, no problem.


















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All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.

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