Floor 2

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

Sunday October 12th, 2007

* Denotes a product carried by Audio Federation

Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.

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MBL is... MBL. Some people love it. Some hate it.

Some theories are floating around as to why they are played so loudly at shows.

For one, they do the BIG SOUND thing very well - and there is a significant percentage of listeners who want a loud immersive listening experience most of the times they listen to music.

Secondly, it takes a lot of power to create a spherical sound wave - much more than the directed sound wave from a standard speaker, or even a bi-directional one from a bi-pole.

Thirdly, and I might be wrong about this (who? me?) , perhaps the SPL of some frequencies decay more rapidly than others when they are spherical, rather than directed, so that to get an even frequency response at the listener position, they have to be pushed out harder (louder). Some percussive instruments generate spherical sound waves, so perhaps an expert in this will inform us about the validity of this theory.









An impressive array of MBL speakers.










This room sounded better than it has at other shows - but I did not get a chance to really listen.















The Memory Player.










I sat here in this room for a good long while - chatting most of the time, but I did get to hear the system over several songs.

Several bands of frequencies were much more compressed than others, and the highs lacked delicacy and finesse. We've heard a early version of the amps up here at Audio Federation, and the scuttlebutt is that they have only gotten better. We are not fans overly much of the Grand Prix Audio turntable, but it is unlikely to be the culprit. Their racks don't completely suck, and we even recommend them for people shopping in price ranges below that of HRS*, though that amp stand setup makes me nervous.










The Red Rock Audio amplifier.





The Red Rock Audio amplifier.





I like this photo. If I could get the sides a little less dark, it would be perfect.





The new Red Rock Audio preamp.





The Grand Prix Monaco turntable.





The Grand Prix Monaco turntable.





A final shot of the whole system.










ListenUp is a local dealer here in Colorado.





Sonus Faber's new Elipsa loudspeaker at around $20K





Musical Fidelity's Supercharger 550K. I wasn't aware of them using this form factor for some of their amps. I presume this is an amp. I bet it is not 550,000 watts though.










Musical Fidelity's A1008 CD player. I do not pay much attention to this brand - with Stereophile's marketing campaign they need no help from me, and sonically they are too brusque for my tastes - and I already knew they went through updates more frequently than average - but this seems to be a new look, a combination of brusque-look with ultra cool (the CD spinning outside the box like that is ...I don't know, but I like it :-))










ListenUp is a local dealer here in Colorado.













































These Dodd Audio amps are big. And much nicer than the photos are able to capture. I have decided that I like battleship amps.















This is the largest photo so far, but I just though the amps flanking the equipment rack was such an impressive statement, I had to go with it.










Audio Unlimited is a local dealer from Denver.















Audio Unlimited is a local dealer from Denver.















I think Denver Audio Designs is a local dealer from Denver. I mean, it seems likely right? Because of the name. But I had not heard of them until this show. No, I do NOT live under a rock, or in a cave or whatever the metaphor is for being seriously out of touch. At least, I didn't think I was..




















AV123 is a manufacturer from Longmont in Colorado. One of the few video system setups at the show.




































Copyright � Audio Federation, Inc.. All rights reserved.
All pictures in this report are freely copyable and distributable.

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