Side 1
Home Entertainment Show
New York Hilton
April 29th, 2005

Track 4

Innersound Room

Innersound, Esoteric, Redpoint, *Shunyata, *Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Isolation Base, Scully

* Carried by Audio Federation


We can't say too much about the sound in this room because we weren't here very long and it was at the very beginning of the show. While we were there a few tracks were played while we were milling around, some quite familiar (Patricia Barber? Yeah, yeah, I think I may be one of the few who after 1000 listenings still like her music).

Good top-to-bottom balance, no part of the frequency spectrum shouting down the rest, musical, not too bad for the first day. Sorry we did not get back here. They were only letting people in periodically and we never were there at the right time.

Oh, we do have something to say about the Redpoint turntable. No, not about how it sounds, we didn't get to hear it. But someone finally pointed out, to us who are a little slow to pick things up sometimes (and since we can count Neli out of that broad statement that just leaves me in this slow lane category), that the cool thing about the this table is that the tonearm is not connected to the plinth (the turntable base).










The Scully reel-to-reel tape deck. OK, who is the genius who put these in front of a mirror? No, really, it makes for awesome photos (eye-candy yummmmmm).


The Redpoint turntable on Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Isolation Base


The Redpoint turntable on Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Isolation Base







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