Guide to the Galaxy
The Catalog of the Known
High-End Audio Universe
Collected & Compiled by
Audio Federation
The Best and Nothing but the
For the Music Lover in All of Us
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We are dealers for Acapella Audio Arts, Accustic Arts, Acoustic Dreams, Audio Aero, Audio Note U.K., Edge Electronics, HRS (Harmonic Resolution Systems), Lamm Industries, Loricraft, Lyra, Magic Diamond Blue, Marten Design, Nordost, RixRax, Shunyata Research, Sound Lab, and Walker Audio. We do try to be as honest (and some may say ruthless) as always regards our reporting the sound of these lines at the conferences, whether they sounded fantastic or completely sucked, but we must necessarily hold back (some :-) on our exuberance, or perhaps even disappointment, in the name of good taste, when referring to these lines or their direct competitors.
The Innersound Room
The Ascendo Room
The Wavac Rooms
The McIntosh Car
The Joule-Electra Joseph Audio Room
The Mantra Room
The Almarro Room Alexis Park
The B�sendorfer Audio Program Speakers Room
The Meadow Song Labs Room
The MBL Rooms
The TAD Room
The Talon - Harmonic Resolution Systems Room
The VMPS Room
Copyright � 2004 Audio Federation, Inc.