Audio Federation at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2006
(Room #9030) |
Speakers |
If you personally want to experience the art and the
majesty, the talent and the skill and the message and the emotion and the
awesome delicacies and complexities of the human condition as communicated by
the musicians to listeners just like you throughout the ages, then perhaps
these speakers are for you. We chose the Coltrane Supremes for this year's show
because they are one of the world�s very few price-no-object statement
loudspeakers and we thought you might want to hear them To drive them we have
assembled a correspondingly statement-level system: A truly legendary tube amplifier (the Audio
Note Kegon) and one of our favorite
solid-state amps (there are very few) � silky smooth and fast, with great
pacing (the Edge Signature One), a preamplifier that challenges a baby�s laughter for the
ability to enchant (the Audio Note M10), a digital front
end that is acknowledged by most independent observers as the top CD / SACD player in the world (the
Emm Labs
CDSD and DCC2 Signature Edition), cables that are
closer in spirit to Merlyn than the silver and gold molecules they are
constructed from (the Jorma Design Prime), and equipment
racks and platforms that tame vibrations in such a manner that they have
become as important to the quality of the sound as any of the system�s primary
components (the HRS MXR equipment racks and M3 Isolation Bases), power cords
from the world�s foremost practitioners of the art (Shunyata, Nordost, Elrod) and in the world
of unreliable and over-priced turntables, here is one that is built to last,
easy-to-use, and sonically
outstanding (the Brinkmann Balance turntable with
the Lamm �sounds like it is
supposed to� LP2 and Lyra Titan cartridge). Our Coltrane Supreme loudspeakers are brand
new and had �gone
through only the factory break-in at show time. Similarly, the M10 preamplifier is brand
new with only 5 days of break-in. So while we try to demonstrate what is now possible, please pardon us
if you catch us tearing our hair out. Utilizing a light-weight, super-strong carbon fiber
enclosure; with Accuton ceramic drivers, the Accuton diamond tweeter and 2� diamond midrange. 20 -
100,000 Hz +/- 1.5 dB. 93dB. Internally wired with Jorma
Design Prime cabling. 650lbs includes all four towers. From |
Amplifiers |
We have found these amplifiers to sound quite magical in
combination with the Marten speakers, in spite of their relatively low power.
Dynamics, verve, sophistication, embodiment, are all exceptional and these
are just pure pleasure to listen to. 22
watt Class A parallel single-ended no feedback mono triode power amplifiers,
all Audio Note� silver wired circuit & power supply, Audio Note� silver
foil signal capacitors & tantalum resistors, Black Gate caps wherever
possible, all Audio Note� silver wired output transformer. RMAF 2005 tube
complement: 4 x Sophia 300B (or EAT/TJ 300B). From the |
These amplifiers are amazingly synergistic with the Coltrane speakers,
the slight warmth and extreme delicacy of both the amplifiers and the
speakers combining to produce a very transparent, very engaging sound. 400
watts into 8 ohms. 120 lbs. From the
Pre-Amplifier |
The Audio Note
U.K. M10 line-stage preamplifier is like taking the always magical sound of the
Audio Note Kegon amplifier and squirting it into a
preamplifier. The music just loves this thing. The M10 utilizes
two massive power supplies, installed in two MEISHU size chassis. These
patent applied for units provide the circuit with �better than battery�
quality voltage and current. From the |
Digital (continued on the flip side) |
This Signature Edition transport custom designed for EMMLabs DACs by one of the
primary inventors of the new SACD format. Plays CD and SACD discs and, in
combination with the DAC, is widely acknowledged as currently the best SACD
playback in existence. From |
DCC2 Signature Edition brings to the home the same sonic performance of its
professional sibling (the DAC 8) that was so instrumental in
establishing the SACD format as a technical tour-de-force. Compatible with CD and SACD discs. From |
Analog |
design. Well engineered. Professionally built. Easy to use. Sounds and looks
beautiful. Authoritative. Extended. Outstanding pacing. From
Cables |
neutral, and fast. When your components are good enough that you want to hear
everything they are capable of. These are THE standard, the ones to beat. Made
of many thin conductors, each conductor is made from optimized diameter solid
99.999999% oxygen free copper that has 78 microns of extruded silver on the
surface. The surface of each conductor is highly polished before a high
precision Micro Mono-Filament wrap is helically wound over the conductor.
From the |
The harmonics and emotion these cables reveal in the music
make them invaluable in high-end systems. These cables are made of amorphous
metal - i.e. the wire has zero grain or crystal structure. This metal was
forged in the
[No. 1] This is the only speaker cable we have found that
is as neutral as the |
Power cords and distributors |
The Hydra model-8 combines high-current capability with Shunyata�s passive form of noise reduction and
system protection to offer the perfect all-in-one power-distribution
solution. From the
The Anaconda VX �s with patented FeSi-1000 noise reduction materials (and the
Alpha without) and hand-braided matrix conductor geometry act as an arm of
refined noise-isolation when applied to noise-sensitive digital or visual
electronics. From the
Nordost Valhalla power cords are clean, neutral, and fast, sounding very
much like their speaker cable and interconnect counterparts. From the
power cords that give that giant sound. Full-bodied with a capital �F�. From the
Racks, vibration control platforms and devices |
Ours is gloss black with four HRS M3 Isolation Bases as
shelves. Sonically the best rack made. By far. No comparison. These racks are
a component in-and-of-themselves � tightening up the bass and midrange to a amazing degree, making it seem as if the system is both
more powerful and of a significantly higher quality than it was without the
rack. The HRS Isolation base significantly improves the performance of any
component that it is placed under. The base consists of a thick slab
of granite isolated from a custom metal frame resting on four very special
feet. From the |
Thanks for stopping by and having a listen. Please let us
know if you have any questions. Sincerely, your hosts: Neli & Mike Davis
(Audio Federation), Lawrence Blair (Brinkmann North
America), Dave Cope (Audio Note UK), Jorma Koski (Jorma Design), Mike Latvis (HRS), Lief Olofsson (Marten), Steven Norber
(Edge) |